Page 47 of The Men of Sea View

She ended the call and took off for home.

Everyone was waiting for her, the two nannies and the two little girls. Nancy grinned when Lisa walked through the door, pretending to wipe sweat off her brow with a sweep of her hand.

“What’s wrong?” Lisa asked.

“Not a thing. The heart of the home left, and we are just waiting for her return, and here she is.”

Now that wasn’t anything Lisa had ever heard before, and it moved her so that she had to fight not to cry.

“I have to head to the ladies’ room,” she said, deadpan. It wouldn’t do to blubber. Her emotions were all over the place. “I’ll be right back to give you two a break.”

“We don’t need nor want a break. And we have a surprise.”

“I smell something baking. If you made a pie, Daniela, I’m firing you.” But she barked out a laugh, and Daniela did, too.

“I’ll start packing.”

“Oh, Lord. What kind?” Lisa asked.

“Praline pumpkin pecan,” Daniela explained, grinning.

“Start packing,” Lisa shrieked.

The women laughed.

“You need the calories,” Daniela said in her best Dominican accent.

Lisa thought,not for long. “I’ll be right back. I guess a piece of pie won’t kill me.”

She did the pregnancy test and snuck into the laundry room to wait for the result with Saint Mary, patron saint of mothers. Closing her eyes, she took ten deep breaths. She knew shewas pregnant, so she didn’t understand why the test was so important.

Looking at Mary’s picture, at those eyes gazing down at the unseen, something within Lisa shifted. She thought of the baby. It was the first time she’d thought of new life growing within her body. The pregnancy test would be the first thing that she had of the new baby. The first indication.

Pregnant.The word appeared on the tiny screen, fuzzy at first, like it was hoping it was safe to reveal the news, and then turned bold. Pregnant.

Lisa needed to tell someone nonjudgmental, who wouldn’t talk about Ryan or ask a bunch of questions. Zach seemed like the only one, a neutral voice in a sea of judges. She selected his number, and he answered on the first ring.

“Are you saving lives?” she asked.

“Not at the present time. Well?”

“Positive.” Out of the blue, she sniffed. “Ugh.”

“Oh, Lisa, I’m so sorry,” he said.

“If you knew how out of character it is for me to show any emotion, Zach. While waiting for the results, I thought of the baby. I’m happy. I truly am. But you are the only friend I have who I feel safe talking with. Run now, while I’m not dependent on you. Or promise me you won’t ghost me when the going gets tough.”

“I promise you I won’t do that. I think you’re great, pregnant or not. You’re so strong. You have self-respect.”

“How do you know what I have?” Lisa asked, annoyed.

“There’s been some talk. You know Alan Stone? The cop?”

“Yes, I know that sleazeball.” She didn’t try to hide the contempt.

He chuckled before continuing. “He talks to Julie Hsu, and she already knew what was going on. I don’t know how, but sheknew Ryan had left and why and said she was glad you didn’t put up with his shit any longer.”

“How’d you get into a discussion with Alan Stone about me?” Lisa asked, stewing. The last person she needed getting into her business was that low life.