Page 162 of The Men of Sea View

Ryan got on the bed with Lisa and held her hand. “Is this weird?”

“It’s okay, Ryan. Zach’s coming, just so you know.”

“Right, cause he’s an EMT. Do you want Will?”

“Um, no!Can you unlock the door for Zach?”

“It’s unlocked.”

Betsy returned wearing exam gloves she’d put on after washing her hands. “Okay, Lisa. Can I take a look?”

“Yes,” Lisa said, spreading her legs so Betsy could get between them.

“I don’t even need to touch you, Lisa. The baby is right there. It won’t take more than a few pushes to deliver her.”

“Wait for the boyfriend, please,” Ryan said. “I’d feel better if he was here with all his equipment.”

“Ryan, really?” Lisa said, grunting.

“I meant his medical equipment.”

“I can’t stand it anymore,” Lisa cried. “I have to push.”

“Keep panting,” Betsy said. “You can do it.”

Lisa heard the door open, and Zach appeared at the bedroom door.

“Hurry up, dude. I’m not sure how much longer she can keep that thing inside her,” Ryan said.

“I’ll be right there. Let me wash my hands.” In a minute he was back with gloves on. “Can I look?” he asked Lisa.

She started laughing. “You and everyone else.”

“There are only people in here who love you,” Betsy said.

In seconds, another contraction took over Lisa’s body, and she had no control over this one, pushing with all her might.

“Pant, Lisa, so you don’t tear,” Betsy said. “Slow! There you go, another little push and her head will be out.”

The rest of the delivery went smoothly. Baby girl Smith Maddox was born at 2:55, the Monday after Easter. Betsy cleaned her up, wrapped her in one of the many blankets Lisa had ready, and handed her off to her father. Zach and Ryan examined the baby.

“Congratulations. She looks perfect,” Zach said. “The pediatrician will check her out as soon as we get her to the hospital.”

Betsy helped Lisa into the bathroom and the shower for the second time that night, while Daniela and Nancy cleaned up the mess in the bed.

Soon, the emergency squad arrived. Lisa got up on the stretcher without help, and Ryan placed the baby in her arms.

“I hope we can talk privately sometime today,” Ryan said.

“We will,” Lisa said. “I think they’re just going to examine me to make sure all the placenta came out and that the baby is okay, and then they’ll let me come home. Will you stay with the kids?”

Ryan walked alongside the stretcher as Zach pushed it out to the street. “Yes, of course. Call me when you can come home.”

“Call Pam and Alison, okay?”

“What about the others?”

“You can send them a text. They are all on my shit list.”