“We’re through. I can’t even stand the sight of him right now. How dare he? I was all set for it to be amicable. When I let Janine in, believe it or not, I thought of how you are with Sandra. I wanted to be able to forgive Janine and move on. If he wanted to be with her, I’d accept it and be cordial for the sake of our baby. But that scene out there…”
“That was a lot of passion,” Hocus said. “I’d like to get my hands on both of them.”
“You mean to see if they belong together?”
“Exactly. Do you remember a few weeks ago when I met you at Lisa’s? I hugged you? The reading was all about you, your family, your successes. I didn’t get any sense of Tony at all. Personally, I don’t think he’s good enough for you.”
“I have never felt that,” Kassandra said. “Tony is my big teddy bear. It’s going to be painful moving on without him, but I can’t have this kind of unrest in my life. It’s so unhealthy.”
Pam placed a plate of salad and turkey breast in front of Kassandra. “Eat, eat.”
“What are you, her Italian mother?” Hocus asked, snorting.
“I could be. I’m Italian, and I’m old enough to be her mother.”
“Is everyone gone?” Kassandra asked.
“All the children are gone, so I guess their parents and nannies are, too,” Hocus said. “The Roman family is out there, and Janine and Dan. And us.”
“Ladies, would you mind leaving this? I want my house back. I’ll finish up.”
“Of course,” Pam said. “I’ll get my coat and get Dan.”
“Can you tell Tony I want them to leave?”
“I’ll tell him.” Pam went to the island and hugged Kassandra. “Thank you for a lovely meal. I’m sorry that mess happened out on the beach.”
She picked her coat up off the couch, threading her arms through the sleeves.
“I’m right behind you,” Hocus said softly.
They left out the back sliders to the terrace. The wind whipped up and it was cold again, the sky dark with clouds that skipped fast to the south.
“We’re going to get snow tonight,” Hocus said.
“Ugh. Dan, come on, Kassandra wants her house back.”
“Good evening,” he said to the group, and joined Pam and Hocus for the walk south to their house.
“I guess I’d better get home, too,” Andy said. He ran to meet up with Dan and Pam, leaving Tony and the women on the beach.
“What now?” Angie asked.
“She’s not going to want to talk to us or see us, if she’s kicking her guests out,” Tony said. “I’ve got my keys and wallet.”
He left without saying goodbye.
“Wait, Tony, we’re right behind you,” Janine said.
“Just stay away from me.”
“I’m so sorry,” she begged. “I was ready to make nice. It’s not my fault you tried to attack me.”
“We don’t have to rehash that mess, okay?” Tony cried. They’d already talked it through in the pumphouse, but he had the feeling it wouldn’t be the last time she’d want to go over the end of their relationship.
“I just feel sort of miserable that it’s over and ended so badly. Why didn’t I just say okay? Enjoy your life? It’s not like me to be selfish.”
“It’s because you love my brother,” Angie said, putting in her two cents.