“Who knows? Anyway, I threw the eyelashes in the trash, and my own are finally growing back in.”
They looked out over the water.
“Come on up and have coffee with us.”
“Thank you, Kassie, but I’m not good company in a crowd right now. Ryan moved out.”
Kassandra grabbed her arm again. “Lisa, no way.”
“Yes. He keeps screwing around, and I’ve had enough. I don’t want my kids thinking that’s okay.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks. I’ll move on. When do you think the move will take place?”
“Soon. Iggie has already moved out. I have patient obligations, and then I’m done. I’ll commute if I have to.”
“I’m just in awe,” Lisa said. “Let me know when you’re here for good, and we’ll get together.”
They leaned in for another hug before saying goodbye.
“You go enjoy your time.”
“Thank you, Lisa. I’ll stay in touch.”
Lisa watched Kassandra return to the terrace. Tony waved from the house. She saw Iggie, but he didn’t acknowledge her, probably still angry at Pam’s rejection.
It was time to go back home. It was so quiet. After lunch, Daniela would leave for the park with the children, eager to get them away from the drama of Ryan.
Two houses from Iggie’s, Lisa saw a familiar form running toward her. It was Ryan.
She glanced away from the water to the houses and saw fences that would prevent her from exiting the beach, and she didn’t want to run north again so that Tony and Kassandra might see. She stopped, wishing she had the courage to jump into the freezing water and do away with herself.
“Lisa!” he called out.
She stood fast, waiting.
“Lisa.” He bent over, his hands on his knees, gasping for breath. “Jesus, I’m out of shape.”
“What is it?”
“I just remembered, I need cash. I tried to use the debit card, and that account is overdrawn.”
“Ryan, really? What do you need cash for?”
“What difference does it make? I’m not asking for thousands, for God’s sake. Can you spare a hundred?”
“Why are you asking me? You know where I keep cash in the house.”
“I didn’t feel right taking it.”
“Well, go take it, and leave me alone.”
“I’ll walk back with you.”
“No! Go before I scream.”