Page 86 of The Men of Sea View

“What’s that all about?” Sandra asked, frowning. “Sorry, Julie.”

“The kid’s intuitive,” Alison said. “She knows Julie isn’t safe.”

“You’re an asshole, Alison,” Julie snapped.

“I’m getting a headache,” Lisa said, snickering.

“Okay, you’re right, let’s start over,” Julie said. “The kid probably senses I’m feeling maniacal right now. We just had one of ourchats.”

“About what?” Sandra asked. “Let me guess—Ryan.”

“No, not him this time,” Laura answered. “The baby skeleton.”

“Thank God I wasn’t around for that,” Sandra cried. “Ask yourself why that skeleton has so much power over you.”

“Because I’m afraid Julie is going to overstep her boundaries and accuse me of something I didn’t do,” Lisa replied.

“I would never do that! I love you, Lisa. You’re all we have left of Brent.”

“Well, you have my son, too,” Sandra said. “He’s the spitting image of his father.”

“Just what I didn’t need to hear!” Julie cried.

“You two are going to have to resolve your issues. The past isn’t important. Whatever it is that you are still arguing about can never be changed,” Sandra said. “If this family can forgive me and move on, anything is possible.”

“I’m ready to change the subject,” Lisa said. “I’m going to invite Kassandra and Tony. Is that okay with you?”

In one and a half hours, Kassandra and Tony had ordered an entire nursery full of furniture. The salesperson at the store asked Tony if it was his first grandchild.

“Most grandparents go hog wild on the first kid, like you and your daughter just did.”

“The furniture is for our first baby,” Kassandra said, mildly amused.

“Oh, jeez. I’m so sorry. I just thought…” The woman switched her finger between Tony and Kassandra.

“I’m only ten years older than she is,” he said.

“And I’m an elderly primigravida,” Kassandra explained.

“You don’t even look pregnant,” the salesperson said.

“I’m only a few weeks,” Kassandra answered.

“Wow, most people don’t shop so early.”

“You really have foot in mouth disease!” Tony yelled. “Quit while you’re ahead.”

Kassandra snorted, laughing. The woman wrote up the sale with murmured apologies. The furniture would be delivered the following week.

On the walk out to the car, Kassandra reached for Tony’s hand.

“You okay?” she asked.

“I feel like a giant asshole. Why did I ever think I deserved someone like you?” he lamented.

“Tony, move on, okay?” she asked. “If you can’t, I can’t. I hope everything will be okay. You did what you did in the past, and this is our future.”

She rubbed her belly, taking his hand and placing it there. He grinned at her, the gesture sweet and intimate.