Page 83 of The Men of Sea View

“It’s a text from Pam.”

Dan says you have a crowd. I’m sending Hocus down with lunch.

“Oh, God. Pam’s sending food with Hocus.”

“I hope it’s not goat,” Laura said, grimacing.

“Here she is,” Lisa said, nodding to the door.

Hocus stood in the freezing cold with Damon, her boyfriend and Sandra’s driver, standing behind her, each holding a giant steam table tray and several bags.

“She wasn’t kidding, was she?” Lisa asked, standing out of the way so they could get by.

Damon laughed, faux grunting under the weight of the food.

“What on earth is this?”

“She had Mary throw sandwiches and subs and lasagna together and a bunch of salads and the usual Organic Bonanza fare,” Hocus said. “I would have cooked if I knew in advance.”

“You have to stay for lunch now,” Lisa insisted. “How are a bunch of little kids going to eat all of this?”

“We’ll stay. Damon’s chomping at the bit to throw a football around. And I heard you were kind and gave those two a weekend off.”

“Hocus, they worked around the clock for a week. The labor board would have had a field day.”

Damon left, ready to play, while Hocus took off her outer garments and, taking a step toward Lisa, closed her eyes and gasped.

“Well, well, well.”

“Oh crap, you can tell?”

“Ha! It’s as plain as day, as though you held a sign that saidpregnant.”

“My mom doesn’t know.”

“Don’t wait too long. You’re a good kid, Lisa. Go visit. I’ll take over the kitchen.”

“Thank you, Hocus,” Lisa said, looking around again to make sure no one was listening. “No one else knows.”

“I won’t say a word. If you don’t mind, I’ll stay a while. I haven’t seen Randi or your two in a while, and I need a baby fix. You know why Dan came down, don’t you?”

“Not really. I told him off last night, and he reappeared.”

“Julie was supposed to bring Margaret over, and Pam had planned to have Morgan and your two over, and then she forgot. Julie was incensed.”

“What’s going on with Pam? This is getting to be habitual, her forgetting.” Lisa went out to the sun porch. “Should I call Julie and invite her?”

“Do it,” Laura said. “Alison will be here. There’s no excuse for her to stay away.”

“I’m going to.”

Lisa keyed in Julie’s number and explained the situation. “Come over. Dan is out on the beach with the boys. We have lunch here catered.”

“What’s going on with Pam? This is getting old.”

“She’sold,” Lisa said. “Cut her a break.”

“Is Pam going to be there? I don’t think I want to see her hanging all over Dan.”