Page 82 of The Men of Sea View

She told Alison about Brent starting the chat about parents, and how Diana had said she’d be nicer to her mother and father after the chat.

“I can’t believe this, but I don’t think I’ve felt this at peace in a long time,” Lisa said.

“That guy was over last night. Is that why?” Alison inquired.

“No. Although there’s zero chemistry, it was nice,” Lisa admitted. “With Ryan gone, I feel like the house has been purged of negative energy.”

“I’m so sorry,” Alison commiserated. “That makes me sad.”

“I know. It was nice taking care of him, but when his presence affected my children, it was time for him to leave.”

“What are we going to do?” Alison asked.

“Let him get settled wherever he is. Then, if he’s interested, we’ll arrange for him to visit. But honestly, from what I saw when he was here last Sunday, he doesn’t care. He’ll regret it for sure, but right now, he’s going to play around. As long as he isn’t doing it under my nose, I don’t care at all. Good riddance.”

“It will hurt the girls,” Alison said sadly.

“Will it? It would be worse having him here, ignoring them,” Lisa replied honestly.

“My poor Morgan.”

“Alison, talk to Ryan about letting Max adopt her.”

“We have to be married, though,” Alison said. “I don’t want him adopting her and then leaving me and taking her along.”

“You’re giving me a headache.”

“Ha, I know. Can I come over?” Alison asked.

“I don’t have a nanny today,” Lisa said, dreading the confusion that often accompanied Alison.

“Oh, wow. How are you doing it?”

“Like I said, Dan came over and took over after breakfast, and I’ve got the girls on the sun porch now. It’s nice.”

“Can I come?” she asked again.

“Sure. I’ll see you in a bit.”

Alison’s crew could wake the dead, but Madelyn and Sierra would love the playmates.

“Maddie, Sierra, Aunt Alison is coming over with the girls.”

“Good!” Madelyn said.

“You’ll behave, right?” Lisa remarked sternly.

“No,” Madelyn replied, laughing.

There was a knock at the door. “I’ll be right back, you two, okay?”

It wasn’t Alison, though. Laura was there with baby Randi. “Will’s on the beach, so here I am.”

“Come in. Alison is on her way. Just an FYI, I don’t have a nanny today.”

“It’s fine.” Laura came inside. “I was going to let Will watch Randi on the beach, but it’s too cold.”

They looked out the window at the kids still running wild on the beach. Then Lisa’s phone beeped.