Page 73 of The Men of Sea View

“Didn’t your ex take anything?”

“He’s got a furnished rental.”

In lower Manhattan, Ryan and Jolene sat across from each other at the candlelit dining room table, laughing, eating the delicious steak dinner she had prepared, and sipping vintage wine, with the view of the Williamsburg Bridge out the window.

“It doesn’t get better than this,” Ryan said, lifting his glass. “To a great meal, in a great location, with great company. To Jolene.”

“I’m honored and so happy you like it. I love to do this, and it’s kind of sad how rarely it happens.”

“Why don’t you date?”

“No one really has my interest, present company excluded. Women outnumber men in Manhattan.”

“No one at work?”

“All married, engaged, or gay. Women are definitely in the majority.”

“You’re beautiful, smart, and independent. I’m not sure what’s wrong with men.”

“Will you give me a chance?” she asked frankly. “We already sort of know each other, and it feels like a good fit. What do you think?”

“I’m all for it, Jolene. If you’ll let me rent your room, that will make it even easier.”

“We need to set up some boundaries first, though, until you’re sure you can make it monogamous. We can date, and you can rent my spare room. But I don’t want to get my heart broken. Before you move into my bed, let’s see if you want a relationship.”

“That’s fair enough. I don’t have the energy to play the field right now. I’m kind of in any-port-in-a-storm mode, and you popped into my head at just the right time.”

“So, what you’re saying is that I could be any girl.”

“Well, not just. I saw a nurse on a few dates. It had all the earmarks of a great relationship, but she’s in Babylon, and I’m in the city. And I have to make sure whoever I choose is someone who can be trusted with my kids.”

“Oh, ugh, that means Lisa has to approve.”

“Well, kind of like that. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. I don’t want to ruin this meal talking about downer topics.”

“I agree.”

“What’s for dessert?” he asked with a lopsided grin.

Jolene laughed, putting her finger to her cheek. “Let’s see. I have frozen lemon sorbet or stale donuts from last weekend.”

“I’ll take the sorbet.”

“I’ll bring it right out.”

“I’ll help you clean up,” Ryan said. “I never made my women clean up if they’ve cooked.”

“Is that right?”

“Show me to the sink.”

Back in Babylon, Tony Roman waited for Kassandra to return from her last day of discharging patients, and then he’d leave for the press box at the Meadowlands for a soccer game. Lately, the sports arena was used more for rock concerts, so it was a privilege to be the announcer that night. He was going to be late, too.

He was pacing by the kitchen window when her car finally pulled into the driveway.

“Babe, I’m just going to make it,” he said. “Kiss me, and I’ll call you when I get on the parkway.”

She kissed him and squeezed by his body in the doorway. “I’m sorry. I thought I’d be home earlier. Traffic!”