Page 59 of The Men of Sea View

“Nothing. I’m not ashamed of it. In a few months, I might have some ’splaining to do, but until that time, we’ll continue on.”

He took the bottle from her and twisted the cap off. “I’m causing drama for you.”

“Yes. But I’ve caused my own.”

“I’m not sure it’s fair to you to have to deal with this on top of everything else,” he said.

“I get it if you want to bow out for now. It is too soon. But I like your friendship and it will be difficult to stop seeing you.”

“You were probably right to say we should wait for six months,” he said.

Seething, she wondered if all men were so damn selfish. She’d opened herself up to him after he’d promised he wouldn’t abandon her, and not ten minutes into it, he was ready to take off.Oh, well…

She looked down at her flat belly. “In six months, this issue will be born.”

“I wanted to pretend he was mine,” Zach said, snickering. “What a jerk.”

“It’s sweet. But no, no pretending. You can be involved after the birth, though, if you’re still interested.”

“I’ll be interested.” Then, to her annoyance, he stood up and reached for his coat. “I’d better be on my way. I’m so sorry.”

Yo yo Zach, she thought. “Wow, that was fast.”

“You were right, of course. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.”

“No need, Zach. I’m not sorry. I’m so glad to have met you.”

He held out his hand. “Six months?”

“Five months and two weeks,” she said, smiling.

She followed him to the door and watched as he went through the gate, but that was it. She wouldn’t have any trouble not pining away for Zach Durand. On her way back to the bedroom, she just hoped he would not be as big an ass as all the other men she’d been involved with.

Chapter 7

The drive back into Manhattan took longer than Ryan expected, and he didn’t pull into the garage at Tiffany’s building until nine thirty. He looked at the unit number, and it appeared she was on the fifth floor. Luckily, a hotel-type luggage carrier was parked next to the elevator. It held all of Ryan’s belongings, so he’d only have to make one trip.

Pushing it along, he felt more like he was on vacation than moving closer to work. His phone beeped. It was Tiffany.

“Hey, I’m just getting onto the elevator.”

“I’ll meet you on five,” she said.

After a minute, the elevator bell rang and the door slid open.

Tiffany grinned, giggling. “You look like you’re here to stay.”

“I’m here until you throw me out.”

She pulled the cart along, leading the way. “Are you hungry?”


“Good. I have pizza. Just an FYI, I don’t cook. I know all the delivery people on a first name basis.”

“I don’t expect you to cook. I actually like to do it. I had a fridge full of food that I brought, by the way.”

“Wow! My refrigerator is empty.”