Page 56 of The Men of Sea View

“You don’t even try.”

“That’s not fair! Julie’s made it clear the reason the child doesn’t want to come here is because of me. What am I to make of that? The last time she was here, she clung to your legs, screaming, when she saw me.”

Pacing, Dan didn’t know why the issue had annoyed him so much. Why was he jealous of the attention Pam gave to Sandra’s strange little child?

“Margaret is at the age of Lisa’s and Alison’s girls,” Pam said. “We should make a play date for them.”

“What? Have three preschoolers here? Count me out.”

“I don’t seem to have any other choice, Dan. I either offer a solution that might be more palatable for Margaret or hide in my bedroom when your child is here.”

“I’ll start meeting Julie somewhere else.”

“Dan, wait. That isn’t a solution. You just accused me of paying more attention to Bella than I do Margaret. I’m trying to remedy the situation.”

He didn’t say anything, picking at his cuticles.

“Let’s invite Julie for Thanksgiving,” Pam suggested. “The children will be together, and Julie can catch up with everyone.”

“Okay, we can try that.”

“I’ll call Julie now.”

Pam left the den to get her phone. While the number rang, she poured a glass of wine, not asking Dan if he wanted any.

“Pam,” Julie said when she answered.

“Julie, hello. We’re trying to figure out how to remedy the situation with the baby not wanting to come here.”

“Ah, she’s not a baby anymore.”

“I know, force of habit. Anyway, I think that if we introduce her to Alison’s and Lisa’s girls, she might be more willing to come. And an easy segue would be to have you and Eric and Margaret come for Thanksgiving.”

“It’s a good idea to get the girls together. But I’m not sure about the holiday. Not sure I want to spend it with Dan.”

“Okay, I understand that. You know how lowkey he is, though. He’ll probably be watching sports all day.”

“I’ll think about it. It’s kind of you to invite us. I miss everyone. While I have you on the phone, is it true Ryan moved out? I heard it through the grapevine. Then Alan Stone told me he saw Lisa on a date.”

“It’s true. But how the hell did he know?” Pam asked, bristling.

“He saw Lisa having coffee with a firefighter here in town and got the story from him.”

“Well, now I’ve heard everything,” Pam cried. “Lisa’s dating already? The putz just moved out last weekend!”

“It was just coffee. I think the nanny had a fall, and Lisa met Zach that night, and they met for coffee later. It doesn’t sound like a date, so try not to read too much into it.”

Pam took a deep breath. “Are you actually placating me?” she asked, huffing.

Chuckling, Julie answered, “Maybe. I’m sorry for the bad blood. And I’m so grateful you care about reaching out to my daughter. It’s been a rough year.”

“It’s been an awfully rough year. So, tomorrow is her visit. Should I get the other girls involved yet? Dan doesn’t think so.”

“Dan’s lazy. Yes, if you’re able, that would be great. If she sees other little girls there, it might work out.”

“Stay for coffee,” Pam said. “We can go through some of Brent’s old stuff. I’m redoing his room for his son.”

Silence on the other end of the phone worried Pam. Did she just put a wrench in the perfectly laid plans?