Page 52 of The Men of Sea View

“You are one.”

She went into the house and let Tony empty her car. Hanging up her coat, she looked out at the view that was a straight shot out to the ocean. The sound of the wild surf echoed through the house. With the windows shut tight, she could still smell the salt air. A mist covered the windows. The view was a dream come true. She imagined a highchair at the table and children sitting in a circle on the rug in front of the fireplace. Andy’s wife and her friends congregating around the island, drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers. It was a life Kassandra had never had and longed for.

Her period was due that day. She not only didn’t have cramps but her stomach was upset at the smell of coffee. The walk to her office had several convenient places for dogs to lift their legs, and the aroma of dog piss gagged her. Something was definitely up.

Tony came in with an armload of stuff.

“I’m going to get a shower. Be out in fifteen,” she said.

She walked through the spacious living room to the hallways that led to the bedrooms. If there was one thing she didn’t like about the house, it was that there was no way to get to the kitchen and great room except to walk through the living room. The place was big enough to remedy that by moving a closet and adding a short wall. She’d spend the money doing that rather than ripping up yards of white marble.

The softly lit bedroom with the neutral colors Igor (Pam) had chosen was soothing. She had no intention of changing any of the decoration she thought Pam might have done. Sometime that weekend, she intended to call her and tell her so, maybe even invite her up for wine.

Fishing around in her purse, Kassandra pulled out the drugstore purchase. A pregnancy test.

The closet was already filled with the clothes she’d brought down every day, so she chose a soft knit pants set. In thebathroom, she decided to shower first before performing the test. Her nerves needed a respite, and a warm shower would do it.

They were still getting used to the plumbing in the house. The shower was unlike anything she’d ever used, only seen in movies or ads for high-end shower heads. There were heads coming out of the wall to reach every inch of the body, but her favorite was the rain head directly above. She’d mastered keeping her hair dry while standing under a rain shower.

Dragging her feet, she knew she was avoiding the test. Her hopes were up so high that it would be positive. The baby clothes ads on her social media accounts made her feel like she was being spied on. But it had started a chain reaction of tearfully buying baby clothes.

Pushing her face into the water, Kassandra decided it was now or never. She reached for the handle and shut the stream off, then reached for a towel. She’d use the toilet before she dressed, and then the waiting wouldn’t seem so horrible.

Closing her eyes, she mumbled a little prayer.Please God.

Getting dressed seemed to take forever, when it only really took her a minute. The alarm on her phone went off, and she grabbed the stick.


She closed the toilet seat and sat to regroup before she went out to Tony. But he just then he tapped on the door.

“You okay in there? I was worried you’d drowned.”

“Come in, Tony.”

He opened the door and saw her sitting on the toilet. “You okay?”

Sniffing, she nodded. “I think I’m in shock.”

“Babe, what’s up?”

Finally grinning, she handed him the test stick. “Read what it says, Tony.”

He studied it for a moment. She watched the metamorphosis take place.

“Is this yours?”

“It’s ours,” she said. “I decided to have a baby, and we didn’t have to really try.”

He leaned over to embrace her, speechless.

“I guess you’re okay with it,” she said.

He nodded. “Come out and eat, and we’ll talk. I even got dessert.”

Offering his hand, he pulled her up off the toilet seat.

“I’m sort of in shock,” she said.