Page 39 of The Men of Sea View

“I think it’s too soon for the kids, too. Maybe after we’ve adapted. That’s the keyword. Then we can figure out how to combine our lives. I’m afraid it’s a little too new for me. I’d be hostile, and if he brings his new GF—”

“What?” Sandra exclaimed. “No way!”

“Yes. He’s seeing a nurse he met at the hospital,” Lisa explained. “She was one of the two women he was seeing when we were still together. The other was the blowjob in the Poconos.”

The women couldn’t help themselves, laughing despite what had happened.

“I wonder if Dan has heard from Jolene,” Sandra pondered. Jolene was the giver of the oral sex at Will’s mountain cabin.

“Dan is a persona in absentia now,” Lisa added. “My mother either has him on a super short leash or he is keeping his distance because he doesn’t want the drama. He’s got to see his kids this weekend, and I’m guessing it’s over at Pam’s. We’ll see. He was down here during Daniela’s fall last night.”

“How is she?” Sandra asked.

“She’s napping on the sun porch. It’s nice to have her here. I’m ready to give back. Daniela has sacrificed for my family since Marcus was a baby. Oh, Tony stayed for coffee this morning. Hewas with Andy to help Daniela. I’m happy they are moving into Iggie’s house. How’s it for you?”

“I’m glad for Andy and Bella’s sake,” Sandra said. “You know me. I take forever to warm up to a person. I like Kassie, but we have nothing in common but family.”

“He said she’s going to try to get pregnant,” Lisa confided.

“Well, then we’ll have something in common,” Sandra replied. “But you know what an unnatural mother I am.”

Lisa roared with laughter. “You’re a fine mother. My kids love going to your house.”

“Yeah, junk food heaven over here.”

They chatted a while longer, and Lisa felt anxious, so they said goodbye after she gave an excuse that it was time to think about what she was going to serve for dinner now that Daniela was incapacitated.

If Andy was going to pick the children up from school, it took a ton of weight off Lisa’s shoulders. She wanted to let Nancy relax as long as possible, and hopefully she’d offer to stay the night again.

In the kitchen, Lisa rummaged through the freezer and found a bag of frozen hamburger patties. She’d do burgers and fries for dinner and make a salad with any vegetables that were taking their last breath in the crisper.

After that, she made her way to the laundry room for a little quiet time with Saint Mary.

Chapter 5

Across town, while Lisa was on her knees praying, Ryan was on a conference call with Peter Romney.

“I’m doing great health-wise and chomping at the bit to get back into work again,” Ryan explained.

“I’m honestly stunned,” Peter said. “I just talked to Pam, and she didn’t say a word.”

“I haven’t talked to her. Lisa is the only one who knows over here. I didn’t want to say anything until I got the go-ahead from you.”

“Ryan, I think it’s wonderful that you feel better. But do you really want to start this grind again? The commute, the pressure?”

“I’m going to find a place to stay in town,” Ryan said.

“Oh! Is Lisa on board with that?” Peter asked.

“She’s fine with it,” Ryan lied. “Jack did it for years.” That comment was met with silence, so Ryan kept talking. “I’ll do anything you have for me so I can get my hands into the action again.”

Then Peter gave Ryan the news he’d hoped for. Ryan had left the company while they were filming a series of historic property renovations in Manhattan. The company was swamped with new business because of the series that was originally Ryan’s idea. The replacement hosts had been duos of women since then, and the ratings suggested Ryan had more on-screen clout.

“You can move right back into the next season of the television series. If you’re serious, we’ll tape immediately. But the prep work and scripts all have to be worked on. You’re a pro at that.”

“How much has been done?” Ryan asked.

“I’m not sure, but Tiffany works alone,” Peter explained.