“Oh my God!” Lisa cried, running to her.
“I tripped over the curb,” Daniela moaned. “I can’t move. I think I broke my leg.”
“Daniela, no.” Lisa had remembered to bring her phone and quickly called Nancy. “Bring a blanket out in front. Daniela fell.”
In seconds, Nancy was running to them, helping wrap Daniela up while Lisa dialed 911, explaining the situation.
“How can we leave her out on this freezing sidewalk?” Lisa cried.
“We can’t. Let’s drag her inside,” Nancy said. Then to Daniela, “Woman, you’re going to have to get on top of this blanket or freeze to death.”
In the meantime, Alison’s nanny Fredericka saw the commotion and ran out with another blanket. They got Daniela to inch over to the blanket, and the three other women used it as a sling to carry her into the house. By now, Daniela was in tears.
“Oh, sweetheart, are you in pain?” Lisa asked. “What am I saying? Of course you’re in pain.”
It didn’t take long for the emergency squad to arrive, and by then, everyone who was free had come to the cottage, includingDan and Pam and Andy and Will. Will took over immediately, and Lisa got out of the way, going to the door to let emergency technicians in to care for Daniela.
The captain, a tall, handsome man with sandy hair approached Lisa for details, and she explained how she had found Daniela on the ground.
“I don’t think the bone is broken, but she has a significant hip flexor tendon strain, and that is the worst pain.” He looked at Lisa sidelong. “Are you Brent Smith’s sister?”
She looked up at him, studying his face. “I am. Was. You know he’s gone?”
“Yes, I’m so sorry,” the guy said. “How insensitive of me.”
“No, not at all. It’s perfectly fine. I’m Lisa. Have we met?”
“I was a frequent visitor at the house all those years ago.” He held out his hand. “Maybe we should knock elbows. No one shakes anymore. I’m Zach Durand.”
“Zach, of course. I guess I didn’t realize how tall you are.” She sputtered, glancing up at him. “Here I am flirting, and my nanny is being taken away on a stretcher.”
“Are you flirting?” he asked, grinning, his beautiful smile and sparkling brown eyes melting something in Lisa that had frozen earlier that day in the presence of Ryan.
“I think I am.”
“All these kids, I figured you must be married.”
“No, not married,” she said. “At the beginning of a bad breakup, and I have five kids. You’d better run.”
“I don’t think I will,” Zach said softly.
“Don't make me nervous,” she said, giggling.
“How recent is the breakup?” he asked, concerned.
“Three days ago. But it’s been coming.”
“Gotcha. It’s never as fast as it should be,” he replied. “We like to stretch the pain out as long as we can.”
Lisa was becoming more comfortable with him as the seconds passed. “Are you single? I mean, I guess you must be if you’re not going to run.”
“I’ve been divorced for five years, no kids. Don’t even know what my ex is doing.”
They stood together like that for another minute.
“We could have coffee. Coffee is safe,” she said, looking up at him.
“I’d love to have coffee with you. I’m free all day tomorrow.”