“Aw, honey, you said yourself that everyone should do their own thing.”
“Are you saying I’m passive aggressive?”
“Sort of,” Ryan admitted. “Anyway, here they all come. It’s out of your hands.”
An excited Laura, a tearful Alison, and a distraught Sandra ran to the back of the ambulance to see the baby and hug Lisa.
“Someone, quickly tell my mother so she doesn’t have a fit,” Lisa said.
“I’ll go down there now,” Betsy said.
“Thank you, Betsy.” Lisa reached out an arm to embrace her. “Thank you for being there for me.”
“Always,” she said, hugging Lisa back.
“She’s going in,” Zach said, grinning. “Watch your fingers.”
Lisa put her head back against the pillow and then remembered the bundle in her arms.
“Aw, you little baby. Wait until Megan finds out.”
Zach rode in the back with Lisa. “What will Megan do?”
“She sort of predicted this yesterday. We went for a run, and she said it looked like the baby had dropped.”
“She was right. What’s her name going to be?”
“I don’t know. I’ll talk to her father later.”
“He seemed fine about everything.”
“He really loves Betsy, that’s why. I’m indebted to her.”
“Betsy’s great,” Zach said. “So are you.”
“So, you saw everything when it was all stretched out,” she said, snorting.
“Ha! Six months is up, Lisa. You know what that means.”
“I do. I said six months, didn’t I? But that was to wait to date. We never waited.”
“I mean to, you know—do the deed.”
Lisa grinned. “I just had a baby. We’ll have to wait six weeks and then decide if we want to take it to the next level.”
“And what level is that?” Zach said.
“Then we can date,” she replied. “I’m not promising more than that.”
“Jeez, you’re tough.”
She threaded her hand through the side rail and reached to hold his hand. “We might be in the friend zone, Zach. We can give it a chance to morph into something more if we’re patient.”
“Are you thinking of getting back together with Ryan?”
“No way. He’s with Betsy, and she’s my right hand. There’s no way I can chance losing Betsy.”
“Okay, so I guess I just have to wait.”