Page 157 of The Men of Sea View

Lisa and Madelyn greeted her mother and Dan and the other couple.

“Lisa, how nice to see you!” Steve said heartily. He kissed her cheek, taking her by surprise. “And this must be Madelyn. She won’t remember me.”

“No, and she bites, so be careful,” Lisa said when Steve squatted to say hello to the little girl.

“What did I miss here?” Kassandra asked.

“I told you Lisa and I were married,” Steve said.

“I was pregnant with Madelyn when we got together,” Lisa said. “I saw him as my obstetrician. Just like you two are doing.”

“I didn’t put two and two together,” Kassandra said. “Is this weird for you, Lisa?”

“No weirder than my mother living with my ex-husband, or my other ex with his girlfriend in the veranda.”

“Is he telling secrets?” Steve asked, winking at Lisa.

“Yes! It’s time. They can’t jail us now that we’re not together.”

“You’ve lost me,” Kassandra said, clearly confused.

“It’s okay. It’s not really the conversation we should have on Christmas Eve.” Lisa looked at Kassandra and Steve sidelong. “It just occurred to me. You are both docs. You make a striking couple. I’m all for it one hundred percent.”

“Lisa, that’s so generous of you,” Kassandra said.

“Is it? Steve and I parted amicably, I think. Didn’t you go right to Laura?”

“Literally out your door and into Laura’s car, if my memory is correct,” Steve said, laughing. “If it wasn’t amicable then, it is definitely amicable now. Thank you, Lisa.”

“There’s a fun symmetry to this,” Lisa said. “Like the circle of life. I love it! Everyone likes Steve, and in this crowd, that’s a huge plus.”

“So, you were with Laura, too?” Kassandra asked Steve.

“I was, but she cheated on me the whole time with Dan.”

It wasn’t funny, but Lisa burst out laughing. “Everyone cheated with Dan, now that I think of it. Being around Laura will not be weird, will it? She’s with Will now, and they are like the dream couple.”

“Pathologist, right? I knew that,” Steve said.

“So, how serious is this?” Lisa asked. “Is this a budding romance?”

“I think it is,” Steve said, taking Kassandra’s hand.

“I hope so,” Kassandra said. “I feel giddy.”

“Did he see the house yet?” Lisa asked.

“Not yet.”

“Well, you need to show him where you live. That might seal the deal.”

Tittering, Kassandra gave Lisa’s arm a gentle slap.

“I’m sure Steve has his own grand house,” Lisa said.

“No, actually, I don’t. I just moved back and joined a practice a few months ago. I’m living at the execu-suites.”

“Oh, ugh,” Lisa cried. “Get out of there, now.”