Page 151 of The Men of Sea View

“Leave it to me, okay? He’s not coming back to me.” Lisa took a sip of coffee and pushed away from the table. “Are you going to tell him, or do you want me to?” Lisa asked.

“You tell him.”

“I’ll call him.”

“He’s got my car, and it’s got Bluetooth so he can talk hands-free.”

“Don’t worry, okay?” Lisa comforted.

Betsy was flushed, and her hands were shaking. “Is it moving?” Betsy asked.

“The baby? Yes, just the last few weeks. I’m seeing a doctor next week.”

“Yes, hurry and do that.”

“I had to wait because the only appointments available were with my ex-husband Steve Lafferty, who I didn’t even know was back in town. He was my doctor with Madelyn. The last I heard, he’d moved to San Diego.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re seeing someone.”

“I’ll leave now and call Ryan,” Lisa said, taking Betsy’s hand. “Hang in there. It will be fine.”

“I don’t see how.”

“Just trust me, okay?” Lisa asked.

Lisa went for the door, with Betsy following. Lisa thanked her for the coffee, and they said goodbye.

As soon as the door closed, Lisa reached for her phone, and Ryan answered before she had crossed the street.

“Hey, what’s cookin’?” he asked.

“I just took your watercolor that hung over my fireplace to your house and hung it on your dining room wall.”

“Aw, thank you, Lisa. You didn’t need to do that.”

“Yes, I did. You need to make that house a home, and you can start with some of your artwork.”

“I’m glad you like Betsy.”

“I think she’s great. I do have something to tell you, however.” She opened the gate at the side of her cottage and walked around to the terrace.

“You and Zach are getting married,” Ryan guessed.

“Ryan, get real. No. I’m not marrying anyone soon. Let me say it, okay? I’m pregnant. Almost five months.”

He didn’t respond.

“I was going to wait for a while to tell you just so you could get settled and not worry about coming back. And then I went to your house, and I guess I’m showing more than I thought I was, and Betsy noticed. She’s upset.” She waited, and still no response. “You still there?”

“I’m still here.”

“I tried to reassure her. There’s no way in hell we’re getting back together. You’d be a wreck with another baby around the house.”

“Why’d you keep it?”

“Why? Why do you think?” she asked, exasperated. “You act like you don’t know me.”

“Right. I don’t know what to say.”