Tony and Janine hid in the pumphouse while the police talked to Kassandra and Andy, with Dan close by.
“What good will you do?” Sandra asked him. “You’re an estate lawyer.”
“I’m not a criminal lawyer, but I know their rights,” he said, shrugging.
The police threatened Andy with a disorderly conduct arrest.
“He’s the former Manhattan district attorney,” Dan said. “I think courtesy would go a long way right now.”
The two officers conferred, made a phone call, and came back to apologize profusely before they left.
“Thanks, Dan. Sandra, you owe the man an apology,” Andy said. “Find Hazel so we can get out of here.”
Lisa and Alison comforted their children, who had been in the middle of the melee.
“Let’s get these kids home,” Ryan said. “Betsy, do you want to help?”
“I’m right here. Lisa, you about ready?”
“Yes! Poor Kassandra, though. She’s distraught.”
“Oh, ugh. Ryan, Lisa’s right,” Betsy said. “Maybe we’d better stick around for Kassandra.”
“Okay, you stay. I’ll go with Lisa and Zach.”
“We’re fine,” Lisa said. “You two stay.”
Max, looking like Max rather than Maxine after tussling in the sand, helped Alison round up their family and continued the exodus.
“Well, that was a shock,” Alison whispered to him.
“What? Grown men acting like assholes?”
“Watching you pick Tony up off the ground, that’s what,” she answered, giggling. “Not exactly what anyone expected with your new persona and all.”
“Hey, I needed to get the guy off the cold sand. I wasn’t thinking about staying in character.”
“You don’t have to do that, Max. Just be yourself, okay? I think this is going to be so interesting, watching you blossom or whatever it’s called.”
He slid his arm around her shoulders, chuckling. “Let’s get out of here before anyone else takes notice of my strength.”
Pam was in the kitchen, cleaning up. “Honest to God, that’s a first.”
“It was that moron, Angie Roman,” Hocus said. “Kassandra should have never let her in.”
Kassandra entered the kitchen just then. “I sort of lost it when I saw Janine. Like, what more could happen?”
“Well, what more could happen is that Tony would try to attack her,” Pam said, grimacing. “I have the whole thing on my phone. Where are they, anyway?”
Hocus stepped into the living room and looked out onto the sand. “They’re outside, talking with Andy and Dan. Hazel must have helped Sandra take the children home.”
“Are Janine and Angie still here?” Pam asked, looking for tea bags.
“Oh, yes, they’re still here,” Hocus answered. “They’re laughing out there.”
“I’ll never host another holiday,” Kassandra said, sitting down at the island. “That was awful.”
“What are you going to do about Tony?” Pam asked, handing Kassandra a cup of tea. “You need to eat something.”