Page 135 of The Men of Sea View

“Sandra, first, Bella is brilliant, you know that. The only thing that can happen are the usual childhood illnesses, and she’s been vaccinated for everything possible. I’m actually stunned that Kassandra could say something so insensitive.”

“I’m having doubts about Thanksgiving now.”

“Me, too. Come home.”

“I’ll get a turkey first and then pick up Bella. We’ll have our own dinner.”

“Perfect. I have to get on a call. See you soon.”

She ended the call. Next to her was the cranberry sauce display, so she grabbed a few cans. That did it. They weren’t having dinner with Kassandra. Pushing the cart to the frozen foods, she saw Kassandra leaning over the side of the turkey kiosk, sorting through frozen carcasses. Enough anger had brewed that Sandra couldn’t hold her tongue.


She looked over her shoulder. “Oh, Sandra, you’re still here.”

“I’m still here. Can I speak with you a moment?”

Kassandra straightened up. “Of course.”

“I’m going to withdraw our RSVP for Thursday.”

“Oh! Why? I’m really looking forward to having you all there.”

“The comment about Bella took me by surprise. We decided early on that we would not expose ourselves or our daughter to any negativity. Andy agrees. We should stay home and have dinner on our own.”

“Sandra, I apologize. I swear I meant no harm. I was asking out of concern. I understand some children with dual sensory impairments can have additional physical problems. Because of my experience in cardiac medicine, I thought of Bella, that’s all. I just discharged a blind patient in her twenties who had congenital cardiac problems that were corrected with surgery.”

Sandra couldn’t speak for a moment, her lips trembling. “I’m sorry. I completely took your concern the wrong way. I must be hypersensitive.” Pushing her cart away, she waved, crying out, “Please forget I said anything.”

“Wait! I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything!”

Kassandra tried to embrace Sandra, but she pushed her away, wiping her eyes with her coat sleeve.

“Will I see you Thursday?” Kassandra called after her.

“Yes,” Sandra cried, waving her off.

Leaving her cart in the bakery department, Sandra fled the store.

“Someone’s having a bad day,” a stranger commented, watching Sandra run off.

“I think my foot got caught in my mouth,” Kassandra said, grimacing.

“I feel the same trying to get ready for the stupid holidays.”

Kassandra found a twenty-two-pound turkey. “Will twenty-two pounds be enough for twelve adults and as many children?”

“That should be plenty. You’ll have a bunch of other dishes, too?”

“Yes! Stuffing and potatoes, all the traditional stuff.”

She hoisted the turkey into the basket and continued shopping. The basket was piled high at checkout.

“Someone’s taking on the entire meal herself,” the checkout woman said, observing.

“I’m giving it my best shot.”

“Why not let other people contribute?”