Page 123 of The Men of Sea View

“No! Sandra told him about Max wearing eyeliner.”

“How did she even know? Did Brent mention it? Because Alison, I’m being honest with you, my kids think nothing of Max wearing makeup. They’ve never even mentioned it. I only know because I overheard Megan calling him Aunt Maxine when they were on the beach.”

Alison barked out a laugh but quickly reeled it back in, getting serious.

“Andy saw it when they were finishing up your attic. He must have said something to Sandra, because she couldn’t wait to tell Ryan. He actually told me that the only reason he mentioned it was because he thought I should say something to Sandra about keeping her mouth shut.”

“When did he see Sandra?” Lisa asked, feeling a little sick to her stomach.

“This morning when he was shopping for the kids' dinner. He ran into Kassandra and was sitting in the café with her, having coffee, when Sandra showed up.”

“You know what? I’m glad he told you. But I disagree with confronting her. Let her keep blabbing and see what trouble she can get into. I swear to God, the minute I trust her, something like this happens!”

“I know,” Alison cried. “And I feel so sorry for Max.”

“Sweetheart, Max will be fine. He’s a great guy. You two need to get married. At least he can go through with adopting Adam’s girls now. I’m not sure yet what’s going on with Ryan, though. This commuting bull crap and wanting to see the kids. It just doesn’t smell right.”

“But that’s not the worst of it. Sandra also told him Max wants to adopt Morgan. That’s why Ryan’s going to the trouble to see her.”

“I knew it! Grrrr! She makes me so mad. Why on earth did you ever tell Sandra that Max wanted to adopt Morgan?”

“I don’t think I did. Anyway, Ryan said Laura told Sandra.”

“Wow, Laura. Alison, I’m telling you, you and I are all we have on this block. Sandra and Laura are obviously in collusion.”

“I wonder what friend Kassandra is going to end up with.”

“Sandra, of course. She says she wants to get to know me better, but then I hear she’s having coffee with Ryan and Sandra. That sounds like a trio from hell.”

At four o’clock, Ryan arrived, and it took fifteen minutes to load up the car with everyone. Daniela went along. When they returned to his apartment, Alison was there with Morgan.

“There’s your father,” she said, pointing to Lisa’s big car.

“Max is my dad.”

“Well, pretend Ryan is your father today, okay, kiddo?”


So that was how the evening went—three little girls playing with new grocery store toys, and Lisa’s boys eating hot dogs, French fries, and cake.

Megan and Lisa went for a run.

“We might not have many more days like this,” Lisa said. “Thanksgiving is next week. I want to take advantage of every snowless beach day.”

“Me, too, Mom. I love this. I love being with the family, but this is our special time.”

“It’s so special.”

They ran past Pam’s house toward the causeway. No lights shone at Kassandra’s house, and Lisa picked up speed as they passed.

“Don’t feel like running with anyone else,” Lisa said, pulling Megan along.

“Me, either. We always have people around our house. No one invites us to their house.”

“You’re right, but I don’t want to be passive aggressive. Friends stopped inviting us because I never accept the invite. It’s just easier with our big family to let everyone come to our house. And when Ryan was home, he didn’t like going out.”

“Mom, I miss Ryan.”