The words are a gift, a gift that holds his head as he dips to kiss each breast, his tongue darting around each pert nipple. His hands are now on my hips, moving me so that the friction between us grows, his cock growing harder and harder as his desire intensifies. When his teeth graze my sensitive nipples, I gasp at the sensation. It shoots a bolt of desire down to my core and I curve into him, our chests together as I hold him close, moving my hips against him, feeling the buildup of…something.
The something overtakes me, from the top of my head to my toes, which curl as pinpricks of pleasure wash over my body, starting at my core. I cry out, my breathing labored, and Vasily holds me tightly until it subsides.
“I think I just came,” I say into his neck, feeling dazed.
“You think?” Vasily asks with a slight chuckle.
I pull away, unable to look at him as my cheeks heat with embarrassment.
“Oh,” he says, amusement turning to concern. “Gigi, I am sorry. Have you never?”
I shake my head. I still cannot meet his gaze, though he forces it by putting two fingers under my chin and tilting my head up.
“Gigi, I need to know. You have never come before? Or you have never been with a man before?”
“The first one,” I say quietly.
“But you’re not a virgin?” He still looks very concerned and I am sure he is revisiting his earlier question, double-checking that I am, indeed, an adult.
“I’m not a virgin,” I confirm. “I told you; my father wants to keep me safe. I do not have opportunities to meet…people.”
He leans back, running his hands through his hair with a long sigh. “Oh, Gigi, you are too young for me. And your people have likely launched a search for you by now. You should go.”
The hurt I feel is palpable, painful. I want him and I think he wants me, too, but I am too young, too sheltered, too inexperienced. I am too much trouble.
Still, I know he is right, and the possibility of Roman or Alexei finding me here is stronger with each minute I stay. I do not want to put Vasily in harm’s way if I can avoid it. He is right, I should go.
I slip from his lap, the space between my legs wet and aching. I notice that Vasily is still semi-hard.
“I’m sorry you…” I look at his lap. “I…”
He waves me away. “I’ll be fine, Gigi. How do we get you back without a repeat of whatever that was on the street a couple of weeks ago? Also, don’t think I didn’t notice how you avoided answering my questions.”
As I pull on my bra, I tell him I will go back down the stairwell to the gym. I will be fine.
He stands and walks me to the door.
“I will find a way to be more independent,” I announce. “I want to see you again. I will find a way.”
He looks dubious. “Gigi, maybe we shouldn’t. Maybe the signs are telling us that this simply will not work.”
“No,” I say fiercely, standing tiptoes to kiss him once more. “I am not willing to say that yet. I like you, and you like me, so let’s not give up on that.”
Vasily leans in, initiating a kiss for the first time. “I have a tendency to want things I cannot have,” he says.
“You can have me,” I say. “You can. We will figure it out.”
One more kiss and I am slipping out into the hallway and down to the stairwell. I run as fast as I can down, down, down, slipping back into the now-empty gym. I jump onto the treadmill and turn up the speed so that I am sprinting. I build up a slick sheen of sweat, my breathing heavy, by the time Alexei pounds into the room and pulls me off of the moving treadmill by my hair.
“Off whoring again?” he asks, in English this time, his accent thick.
“If by whoring, you mean shitting my brains out in the loo for the past hour, then yes. I told Roman I wasn’t feeling well and sent him for Tylenol.”
“We have looked everywhere for you,” he snarls, pulling me by my arm toward the door, down the hall, onto the elevator. “You lie. Where were you?”
“I told you,” I say, crying out a little at the way his fingertips dig into my flesh.
Alexei only lets go of me to shove me into the apartment. He goes off in a torrent of Russian, mostly curses and insults. I stick to my story, Roman admitting that I did send him to grab waterand medicine. He also admits that he did not check the restroom in the gym.