Are you okay?

Her breath hitches in her chest as she looks up from under lush eyelashes to meet my gaze. She gives a tiny nod. “Would you like an autograph?”

It is a professional question. An appropriate question. Still, I am disappointed. I want to know what happened to her, who those men were. I have so many questions at the tip of my tongue that I almost cannot control myself. I realize she would be embarrassed. This is not the time to make a scene.

“Sure,” I say, handing over my program.

She uses a Sharpie to sign her name while I take one more moment to look at her. When she hands me the program, I am reminded that there are more people behind me who wish to speak with her.

“Thank you. Congratulations again.”

I walk away, desperately searching my mind for a way to hang back, to get her attention again. I am not a bold man, though, and my shyness gets the best of me. I walk out into the night, down the street to my car. I drive home to my apartment.

It is not until I look back through the program that I realize she has written her phone number below her signature.

Heart beating wildly, I text the number.

Then I delete it.

It takes me an hour to get the courage to press send.

Vasily:Hello. I am Vasily.

It doesn’t take long for three dots to appear. And then a response.

Gigi:Hello audience member

Vasily:Late night runner.

Gigi:Mmm interesting

Vasily:Are you also a late night runner?

Gigi: On occasion

Vasily:Was it you last week?


Vasily:I saw you. You were being abducted. What happened?

Gigi:A misunderstanding

Vasily:It didn’t seem like a misunderstanding.

Gigi:Trust me you don’t want to get involved and I am fine


Gigi:What is your favorite color

Vasily:Blue. You?

Gigi:Green are you old

Vasily: LOL

Gigi: So yes