Page 34 of Tipping the Scales

She turns the phone to me so I can read it. It's part of a group text that I am in too, but my phone is abandoned in the kitchen since Colton isn't talking to me right now.

Hey everyone! Don't forget the Friendsgiving dinner party on Sunday night at seven.

BYOB and of course dates are encouraged. Can't wait to see you guys, dinner casual attire will set the right vibe.

Love you guys <3

I have been so caught up in my own shit that I totally forgot that it was this weekend.

Bryn turns the screen away from me, her eyes reading over the message again. "It wasn't only sent to us, there are like five other people in this chat but I don't recognize any of the other numbers."

I rise off the couch, letting Bryn's legs fall back into my place as I go to the kitchen to get my phone. I have the group message but there is also one from Colton. My heart doesn't know if it should drop or beat faster.

I got invited to Carina's Friendsgiving thing ... should I go?

It's up to you of course. I haven't talked to her about us yet.

About our history I mean.

And what about current events?

Those current events - me falling apart in the corn maze, him putting me back together with his kiss, me tearing him down with my confession - it's a lot.

What about them?

The text hurts to type but I don't want to pressure him into talking about it if he isn't ready.

Do you think we should tell her what happened the other day?

It was a heat of the moment thing, totally harmless.

Is that a no?

I need to be the one to tell her.

Girl code and all that.


If that's whatyou want, I will go along with it.

It's what needs to happen to keep the peace. We could both use some of that don't you think?

It feels like forever before his last message comes through.

Not sure this is the peace I was looking for, but ya I guess.

I am standing on Carina's front steps trying to build up the courage to ring the doorbell. I didn't tell her I was coming, part of me too chicken shit that I might back out. But I have to do this. I can't move forward without clearing the air with her. In some way I think this is part of my healing, first telling Colton the truth about what happened five years ago, and now revealing that history to Carina.

My finger wobbles as it reaches out to the button before pressing it. I let out a deep breath, the heat from it clouding in front of me as it hits the chilly morning air.

Her door opensand it's rare that I see her so dressed down, a fluffy pink robe wrapped around her middle and some twisted blob of fabric piled on her head. "Hey Delaney, I wasn't expecting you. Did I miss a brunch or something?" She asks, running her hand to smooth the front of her robe that doesn't have a wrinkle on it.

"No, no, nothing like that. I just needed to talk to you about something ... about Colton." His name tingles on my lips as they remember being against his.

"Oh, umm, come in." Carina steps to the side, holding her door open and making room for me to come through the entrance. "Can I get you some tea or anything?"

"I'm good, thanks." This might be the first time I have been alone with Carina, which seems crazy since we have been friends for a few months now. But Bryn is the common thread between us, without her we would have never met and that makes this even harder.