Page 25 of Take the Bait

"I know how to swim just fine, now fuck me before I find someone else who will."

That statement ignites something in me that I can only describe as jealousy. Now that I have had Melanie wrapped around my cock, I can't imagine her letting anyone else in. My hands start to heat as my blood starts to boil in my veins.

I make quick work of pulling out of her and before she has a chance to object to the newfound emptiness, I flip her onto her stomach. My cock finds her entrance again, filling her back up and returning to her warmth. I plan my hand on the back of her neck, pushing her further into the mattress, lowering my mouth as close to her ear as I can without losing disconnecting our bodies.

"Don't you ever fucking talk about another man while I am inside of you. Do you understand?" I can't hide the growl in my voice and my chest presses against her back in a menacing way. If it weren't for the way her pussy flutters around me, I would worry she thought I was going too far. "I asked you a question, Doc, answer me."

Melanie struggles slightly to get her head turned under the pressure of my body laying against her. "I understand," she manages to get out, instead of a period at the end of her sentence, a small moan falls from her lips.

"Good girl," I reward her by raising back to my full height standing at the end of the bed, her ass in the air and her pussy dripping around my hard length. My palm slaps against the round globe of her ass before I plow into her - pushing everything I have into her over and over, the friction giving us both what we crave.

"Oh fuck," she pleads from underneath me, the bounce of her tits audible in the room even with the hundredth time Pony has played from my phone speaker on the table beside my bed. Her noises edge me on, igniting a primal urge in me to ravage her. My fingers dig into the soft skin covering her hips, the bit of meat she has there giving in to the force. I drive into her, our bodies slapping together in the most erotic way.

"Give me your hands," I insist and she obliges, her arms twisting and resting on the small of her back. My fingers wrap around her wrists, pulling her chest and head off the mattress and putting her at the perfect angle to hit every sensitive spot inside of her. The tone of her moans change - like instead of her usual pleasure sounds, these ones are deeper and more guttural. I can feel the weight of her becoming heavier as her muscles start to break down, her climax approaching.

"Wait for me, Mel. Don't come until I'm on the edge with you."

"I don't think I can stop it, Ash. It feels ... so fucking good ... shit, I'm about to come."

Her words are all I need to get there, my balls tightening up under my shaft and as I start to spill into the condom I give her permission to let go with me. The way her pussy clenches onto me like a fucking vice is goddamn otherworldly. She felt amazing before, but being inside of her as she finds her climax is on another plane of existence that I didn't even know existed.

Once I feel her walls start to relax, her orgasm coming to an end, I release her wrists and lower her slowly back onto the bed. Melanie pulls her hands up to her face to push the stray tendrils of hair out of her face, her breathing still quick and panting.

The way she looks over her shoulder at me catches me off guard. I slowly pull myself from her, never wanting to leave.

"Damn, teenager stamina, huh?"

"What the fuck?"

"You're still hard. I'm just surprised, most guys after a performance like that are satiated and you're here ready for round two."

I don't want to admit that I took the pills, I'm not drunk enough for that confession. Although I am energized and almost electric from finally having Melanie in my bed.

"It will go down soon ... don't get me wrong, I can't wait to have you again. But I will let you rest for now." I trade her a wink for before pulling off the condom, knotting the end to keep the contents from spilling out as I bring it into the bathroom to the trash. I wet a washcloth, letting the water warm against my hand. I get back to my room and the sight of Melanie snoring softly in my bed catches my steps at the doorway. My job here is done.

I didn't even notice myself drifting off to sleep it happened so fast. One moment I was jumping over the moon in my fit of ecstasy with Ashton between my thighs and the next I was admiring how soft his blankets were. Just a little nap, just closing my eyes for a minute. And then it fades to black, my exhausted body giving in to its satiated state and succumbing to the best sleep of my life. Sleeping in Ashton's bed goes against every rule I have - except I don't think my legs could hold me up long enough to transport me back to my own room at this point.

My lips start to water, two needs fulfilled and the next one ready for its turn. I am starving and the maple smell drifts down the hall from the kitchen and hugs my nose. It plants a buttery kiss on my cheek and whispers in my ear with a sultry timbre.

"I made breakfast, you should eat before you crash too hard."

It's still dark in Ashton's room, the light from the sun blocked out by curtains pulled over the window.Curtains? When the hell did he get curtains?My vision comes into focus and Ashton kneels in front of where my head is hanging close to the edge.

"You didn't have to do that, I have ... " Ashton stops me mid-sentence.

"You have frozen nasty sandwiches, I know. But this is better so just fucking eat it, okay? You have to build back up your strength and a sausage patty that was flash frozen six months ago isn't going to cut it." His whispered tone matches the one from my dream and I realize it was him all along pulling me from sleep with his words.

I crack one eye open a bit more to see the plate of pancakes he is holding. My mouth begins to water again - for the pancakes sitting in a lake of syrup that smells sweet and delicious, and also for the way Ash's body is still on display with his toned stomach and chiseled arms holding my breakfast. I don't know which one to lick first.

My body wants to object to sitting all the way up, perfectly content with staying in a lay down state for the rest of the day if I would let it. I tuck the blanket under my arms, keeping my nakedness contained. Ashton's eyes watch my every move - probably hoping for a peep show. I pause for a second letting my body wake up a bit more before I swing my legs over the side of the bed to walk to the kitchen.

"What are you doing? I brought this in here for you to eat."

"Like in your bed? You know that's maple syrup, right? Your bed is destined to become a sticky mess if you let that happen." We both pause, remembering the way my thighs were left damp and sticky after his exploration of my body last night.

"I can wash the sheets I don't care ... just, eat would ya?" He stands to his full height and thrusts the plate into my lap. Without the cover of being down on the floor and the plate in his hands, I can see the rest of his body. He is wearing those sinful sweatpants once again and with how low on his hips they are resting, there's no way he is wearing underwear. I can see the outline of his cock so prominent and there's no mistaking it's hard.

"You just feeding me so that I am ready for the next round?" I ask around my first bite of pancakes.