Page 27 of Take the Bait

Darren - Delaney's brother - comes strolling around the corner and towards me. I haven't seen him in a while but there's no mistaking that's who he is. He has the same gentle eyes as Delaney but with all the brawn of a military man. I forgot that he worked here and somehow I am relieved that I can tell another guy what's going on instead of innocent, sweet Cathy behind the desk.

"I thought that was you! Did you get hurt at work? Laney said you have been working a construction job here in the city."

Maybe I can lie and say that I broke my dick running into a brick wall. Or that I got it stuck in a clamp on site and now I can't get it to chill out. Then again, none of those things seem in line with the painful boner being garnered in my sweatpants right now.

"Can we go somewhere ... private to talk about it?" I ask, hoping that he gets the hint I don't want to say this shit in front of anyone else. I don't want to say that Melanie is on her way in behind me either since I know they are friends. If I had any control over the situation I would have driven to the hospital an hour away to separate myself from all these people who know me.

"Yeah, follow me. Hey Cathy, I'm going to bring Mr. Reeve back to exam room six." He nods at her, urging her to read between the lines. She returns the gesture, writing something down on her clipboard.

My legs brush together as I slowly follow Darren's path towards the exam room. I pull out my phone in the hopes of seeing a message from Melanie about what is taking her so long but there's nothing.

The paper on the exam table crinkles under my weight as I lower my ass onto it. This is about to get even more awkward than it already is.

"Alright, you ready to tell me what brought you here?"

I do my best to keep my eyes from meeting his but after he calls my name urging me to get this over with, I finally give in.

"My dick won't go down. I took some pills and had a few shots and well ... now it won't go down and it's starting to fuck with my head." Nervous rambling Ashton comes out full force as my hands fly around my head while I explain the situation. I'm not sure if it should make me feel better or worse when Darren's expression doesn't change at all - like this whole thing is just another day at the office for him, no big deal.

"Can you fix it? Mel ... umm, someone told me that I needed to come get it checked out. Do you just put it in a huge bag of ice or something to make it go down?"

"I wish ... this is gonna suck man. It's not just a bag of ice or something ... I have to drain the blood with a syringe."

How light headed I felt earlier is nothing compared to the way my head is spinning now. A needle in my dick. What in the actual fuck, am I being pranked right now? Surely this can't be happening. I know for damn sure that I am never taking those pills again, I don't care what the stakes are. It's a good thing I'm sitting down because I probably would have passed out when he said that.

"You can put me out for that, right? I don't have to be awake do I?"Please say no, please say no, please say no.

"Whenever we are dealing with blood loss it's best to be lucid. Plus, with everything in your system right now I wouldn't feel comfortable adding anesthesia to the mix."

My face falls into my hands instantly. Today is the day I die, it's going to happen with a raging boner, a needle in my dick, and some guy’s hand wrapped around it. This is far from ideal ... had I known I would die with a hard-on, I would have stayed home and fucked Melanie until my heart gave out. Thinking of her brings down my mood even more.Where the fuck is she? Did she seriously ditch me here?

I'm in exam room six, he's about to stab me. Are you here?

I watch the screen of my phone like a fucking dork waiting for her to reply and she never does.

Not while Darren gathers all of his supplies.

Or when he inserts the needle into my shaft.

Or when I had to turn away because the sight of blood filling the syringe made me feel like I might puke.

And not even when it was all over and my dick had a new bandage wrapped around it.

When I told Ashton that I was going to find a place to park, I didn't make it clear that the parking spot I would end up in was outside of our apartment. I know what you're thinking, what a bitch leaving him there like that. Trust me, I get it. But the way he spoke to me while he was fucking me for the first time was borderline possessive - like he was claiming me as his own. And that shit freaks me out. And to add insult to injury, he brought me breakfast in bed and treated me as sweet as the syrup that dripped down the fresh pancakes.

I thought I made it clear to him that I didn't want something like a relationship - that I wasn't in a place where I could devote myself to someone in that way. And I may never be able to. The idea of giving another person enough control over me that they can be the sole person to shatter me into a billion pieces if they leave is terrifying. Not to mention I have been there before, first with my parents and then with my aunt. If the people who are supposed to be programmed to love me no matter what couldn't even do that, how will anyone else?

My car has been sitting idle in the lot for close to thirty minutes. My phone chimed with a message from Ashton, but I couldn't force myself to reply. It's time to take a step back from each other - to redraw the boundaries between our roommate status and the fuck buddy arrangement we were starting to build. The two can't exist at the same time without complicating things. I know Ashton is in good hands, the rest of the staff that is on the day shift today - including Darren - are more than capable of draining the excess blood and get him back to normal, there's no reason I needed to be there.

Yet I feel guilty as hell right now and can't stop thinking about how he is going to get home after. Will he take a cab? Crap, I have to go back.

I pull my car back into the Emergency room parking lot, taking a bit more care on the corners as the snow starts to dust the roads. There is an empty spot close to the door, the outline of the previous car visible from the white coating the pavement. The snow crunches under my shoes as I approach the sliding door, being sure to wipe my feet twice on the carpeting inside the entrance to prevent tracking any wet shoe prints inside.

Cathy is sitting behind the crescent desk, her eyes only raising to meet mine when I was right in front of her.

"Oh, hey Melanie, I didn't think you were working today."

"I'm not, I actually dropped a friend off earlier and wanted to make sure he got home alright. Ashton Reeve, what room is he in?"