Page 20 of Take the Bait

The rest of the week is filled with rain storms and daily orgasms for Melanie. I make sure to get out of bed early in the morning before she gets home so that I can send her off to sleep fully satiated with a minimum of two orgasms, sometimes three for good measure. With the shitty weather, I haven't been able to work but that means I have had plenty of time to worship Melanie on as many surfaces as she will let me - pinned against the bathroom vanity, bent over the side of the tub, sprawled out on the coffee table. Every place but the ones made for fucking have been explored.

But we haven't had sex in the most literal sense. I have tasted her and spread her open with my fingers, but that is where it ends. Something about sex this time makes me nervous, like she has more experience and she won't enjoy it with me. It's ridiculous thinking that since I have had zero issues getting her to come with every other part of my body. And I know my dick is average size - not huge but a good two handfuls at least. But there is still this annoying voice in the back of my mind telling me I won't be able to satisfy her when we take it to that next level.

The worst part is that when she tries to return the favor and give my cock some attention, I lock up. Every time I touch her I turn into a steel rod, but when she touches me it's like my dick doesn't have a pulse. Melanie is otherworldly when it comes to sex appeal. She is so high strung and uptight in every other aspect of her life that seeing her let loose and freeing herself as she comes undone from her orgasm makes her seem like an entirely different person. And when she looks at me with those doe eyes trying to figure out why my cock is a limp noodle in her hand, it breaks my soul a little each time.

It's currently Tuesday night, which means when she gets home tomorrow morning, she will be here for over twenty-four hours and she keeps hinting that tonight will be the night we sleep together. I am so fucking nervous, which has me standing here in this sex shop buying little blue pills to help with my performance anxiety. There's a first time for everything and this is definitely a first for me. I'm nineteen for fuck's sake, this shouldn't be a thing for me. My dick can get hard. if a strong enough breeze rolls in. Boners should be the least of my worries, but here I am.

"How many do you need, handsome?" The skinny blonde sales clerk asks. Her ass is barely covered by what I'm guessing she classifies as a skirt, but it's basically crotchless panties with how little fabric there is. Normally I would be drooling over the amount of skin on display, using a suave line to get her number so I can fuck her somewhere without a bed or any proper furniture later.

But the exposure seems overdone now, like the more I can see the less I get to discover, and that's half the fun. It's like unwrapping a present that is barely covered in paper to begin with and you can already see the box revealing what is inside. Leave me a little something special to find when I go exploring. Wow, I sound like my fucking mother talking about leaving something to the imagination.

"Umm," shit, I don't know how many I am supposed to take and I definitely didn't do any research. Thinking about it in this moment, I really should have looked this up. "I'll take three." The blonde gives me a certain'fuck me'look, but I dart my eyes away from her. The rules between Melanie and I say that exclusivity isn't required, but even looking at this chick has me feeling like I am betraying her.

"Big night planned?" She asks, taking three foil packets from the locked case next to the butt plugs. My mind drifts to Mel and I wonder if she would enjoy being spanked with one of them inside of her, intensifying every slap.

"Something like that," I reply shortly, not wanting to divulge too much in this conversation. The blonde makes every effort to sway her ass as she walks me towards the register. She rings up my purchase, sliding the pills into a miniature black shopping bag. Discrete.

"Enjoy," she says with a wink, handing over the bag with the last shred of my dignity inside.

I haven't seen the guys from work in close to a week with this crazy weather raining out our project and we are all wondering if we will get to go back to the site or if we are officially out of work until spring. We decide to meet at Orion - a local tavern with a bar out back - for a much needed distraction. I welcome the reason to get out of the house, killing as much time as I can before Melanie comes home. Not that it will be much of a distraction while I am the only sober one at our table.

The table we are at is close enough to the bar that we can see everyone who goes up to get a drink, but far enough away that it's somewhat quiet. We are in the back corner and there is little for light back here, but just enough that we can see when our glasses need a refill. Watching the two other single guys try to pick up chicks is like looking in a foggy mirror - my brain trying to deny that I am the same as them, blurring the lines of my reflection looking back at me. I even hear one of them use a line that has worked for me more times than I can count, yet he comes back to the table solo.

"Dude, you delivered it all wrong. When you compliment a woman, find something no one else is commenting on. Her eyes, rack, ass - that's what every guy in here is noticing. Pick something different man, or you just seem like all the others. And for fuck's sake, try to dig a little deeper than what you can see on the outside, that's what they really want to hear." I place my arm around his shoulder, pouring my unsolicited advice like the bartender keeps pouring shots for everyone at the table but me.

"Are you seriously trying to be my wingman right now?"

Am I? I guess subconsciously getting someone else laid is like putting the karma into the universe to give me some back - to have tonight go well with Melanie and my dick to cooperate for once.

"Us boys gotta stick together right?" I answer his question with a rhetorical one of my own. "Now, let's find another candidate you want to take home."

He picks a brunette from a table on the wall next to the dance floor. She is sitting with a few other women and the number of empty glasses sitting in the middle of the table tells me they have been here for a while and probably getting ready to leave.

"Come on, let me show you how it's done." I tap him on the back before taking a quick swig of his beer and hoping our waitress didn't see. Getting kicked out for a sip of beer would be fucking miserable.

I approach the table, the rookie in tow with a confused look on his face. He better replace it with his game face or this isn't going to end how he wants it to. "You ready champ? Follow my lead, no questions asked."

I ask the question but don't give him a chance to answer before I am bumping into him at just the right time so his drink splashes over the side of his cup and directly onto the table where the girl he was eyeing sits with her friends.

"What the hell man?" he looks pissed but I slant my eyebrows at him in a silent instruction that this is his opening to talk to them.

"Sorry dude, didn't see where I was going." I answer back quickly, trying to divert his attention back to the group of women scrambling to push napkins onto the pool of foamy beer at the edge of their table.

"You almost made me spill on one of these gorgeous ladies, watch it next time."

His response is textbook perfection and the way he puffs his chest out in my direction is the icing on the 'you're so getting laid tonight' cake. I can already see the heart eyes taking form around the table and he practically has them all eating out of the palm of his hand. I stand close by but don't join in the conversation, seeing if he can tread water now that I got him into the open ocean.

I miss the chase - not that I had to chase women very often - but it makes me feel guilty, like I am somehow doing something wrong. Except according to my agreement with Melanie, nothing about this is wrong and if she were here she would agree.

Fuck, why do I care what she would think? It's not like she is my real housewife of Elysian or some shit. If anything, I am taking on that role - cooking her meals, sitting up waiting for her to come home, giving as many orgasms as I can before she has to hit the hay before work.

I am borderline pussy-whipped and I haven't even put my dick in it yet. As if on cue, my phone dings in my pocket.


Work is a total shit show ... can't wait to get home ;)

It's just after midnight so I have close to seven hours before she gets home with her big expectations of our first time having sex.