Page 17 of Take the Bait

"Morning," I greet her.

"Hey, umm ... thanks for the sandwich. You didn't have to do that, I have my own food in there." She motions towards the fridge and I can't help but scoff at her description of that shit as food.

"Yeah, I know. I saw your freezer sandwiches and figured you could use something a little more ... not frozen." I run my hand through my hair, the dampness left from my shower coating my fingers. The feeling brings me back to last night when instead of water coating my fingers it was Melanie.

"Well, thank you. It was delicious. I will grab some cash later and pay you back for the ingredients, just let me know what I owe you."

Is this girl serious?

"It's nothing. I was already cooking one for myself anyways." You can think of me as your personal chef and orgasm administrator.

"You heading off to work?" She asks before taking a bite from her sandwich.

"Actually, just got called off work because of the weather. It sucks, once this job is done they are going to lay us all off for the winter." I wish I hadn't said that part out loud. The last thing she needs to think is that I won't be able to pay my portion. She will have me kicked out of here before the end of the month if I don't pay, I know that for sure. "I'm used to it though, I have worked for this company for a few years now and this is normal." I assure her, seeing that she is starting to worry based on how her eyebrows are pulled into the middle of her forehead in a scowl.

"What time do you go in?" I ask, changing the subject from myself and onto her.

"My sleep schedule is all wonky from getting out early last night. I really should be sleeping right now but I don't go in until seven tonight."

"Did you sleep well last night?" I question, knowing damn well she slept amazing in her post-orgasm bliss. She doesn't respond, only smiling down at the remaining bite of sandwich on her plate before popping it into her mouth. That's all the answer I need.

Melanie moves over to the sink to wash her plate, her ass barely covered by the shorts she is wearing. My body instantly responds, blood rushing south at the thought of getting her naked. She's playing it off like she didn't hear my question but I know the answer. That doesn't mean I don't want to hear it directly from her lips. I move behind her, my erection brushing against her ass through my jeans, letting her know I am there. Her movements don't slow as she continues washing the plate that looks pretty damn clean from where I am standing. I lean my lips closer to her ear, the only part of our bodies touching is my cock against her perfect ass.

"I asked if you slept well last night after you came around my fingers?" I hear her breath hitch at my words and I'm not sure if she realized it or not, but her ass pushes back against me, a silent plea for more. My fingers move stray hair that is resting on her shoulder, the soft touch making her shudder and let out a tiny whimper. I'm sure she was hoping that I didn't hear it, but being this close to her has its advantages. I dart my tongue out, trailing it along her exposed skin, the tank top she is wearing only covering a sliver of the sensitive skin of her collar. I move the strap to rest on top of her arm, letting my mouth continue learning every inch from her shoulder to the curve of her delectable neck.

"Okay, listen," she turns to face me, the strap of her shirt slipping lower on her arm before she quickly moves it back to its proper resting place. "It's obvious that we are attracted to each other and last night was ... nice."

"Nice? I can think of at least ten better words to describe it," I interject knowing damn well thatniceis an understatement. Some acceptable terms for mind-blowing orgasms include but are not limited to: incredible, magnificent, spectacular. Nice won't cut it.

"Fine, it was great." I guess great is better than nice so it will have to do. She is going to be a tough critic but I love a good challenge.

"Alright, continue. You know that we are attracted to each other and last night was ... great." I use her term even though I don't totally approve of it.

"But we need some ground rules for how this is going to work if we are going to keep hooking up."

"Rules? Really? Alright, rule number one, orgasms for everyone. Bam, done." I close the small gap between us and move my lips toward hers before she plants her finger against them, stopping the motion.

"I'm serious. I want to make sure we are both on the same page so no one gets hurt."

"I'm happy to make it hurt if you're into that," I smart, grasping her hips with my hands and squeezing, my straining cock pressing against her stomach begging to be let free from its denim prison.

"That's not what I mean. I'm not ... emotionally available for anything more than casual hook-ups. I want to make that clear going into this. I also don't want things to get weird if we decide to stop since we live together. There needs to be rules before I consider doing it again."

A woman who only wants casual sex? She must be a unicorn or something. I have never had a designated hook-up friend but it does sound convenient knowing that I will have someone who wants to sleep with me right down the hall.

"Alright, what kind of rules are we talking here?"

"First, no strings attached. If either of us wants to stop, we tell the other person and it's done."

"Sounds simple enough, what's next?" I ask, my fingers now trailing up and down her sides, from the band of her bra to the top of her shorts and back. Up and down, up and down.

"Rule two, if you're hooking up with anyone else, please use a condom to protect all parties."

"I mean, I'm clean, are you?"

"Yes, I am, but that doesn't change the rule. Wrap it. And I will make sure that anyone else I am with wraps it as well."

"So there's no exclusivity clause here? Isn't that normally a thing?"