Page 98 of S is for SEX

“And. I mean. Like right now. It’s. Like a. Sex. Contest,” I explained as Luke continued to shove his fat cock into my ever-so-eager pussy.

“And. If I hang up. He’s going to. Stop. Just. Stay. Here. Please.”

He pounded himself into me even harder. I felt myself begin to reach climax. It was coming, and it was coming fast.

“Stay here on the phone. Until. I. Come,” I begged.

“Oh my God, Liv. You’re fucking someone? Right now?”

“Uh…huh,” I breathed.

“I fucking knew it!”

I closed my eyes and concentrated on Luke’s massive cock.

“That’s so fucking hot!”

Shut up, bitch.

Luke might have thought I cheated, but I took a big chance in telling her. It worked, and apparently he liked the fact Chloe knew, because he began fucking me like he was trying to kill me. As his balls steadily tapped a rhythmic beat against my clit, I arched my back, craned my neck toward the ceiling, and bellowed out a blood-curdling wail.

Simultaneously, his cock swelled. A few more strokes, and I felt him erupt inside of me. As he came, an orgasm exploded from deep within me, and with it, my entire body was somehow transformed into a sexual bundle of nerves.

The orgasms continued for several seconds, sending electric shocks from the balls of my feet all the way to the back of my skull. Chloe’s voice chattered in the background, but I had no idea what she was saying. I opened my eyes and glanced into the kitchen. Everything seemed so out of place and new to me. The few aftershock orgasms that followed caused my legs to shake violently.

I felt Luke pull out and I collapsed onto the counter. My quivering legs struggled to hold me up. Chloe’s irritating voice continued to babble from the speaker on the phone.

Exhausted, weak, and incapable of thinking clearly, I simply wanted the feeling to linger as long as it possibly could.

As she continued to vomit her ideas and opinions, I reached for the phone and pressed end.

The phone went silent.

I lowered myself to the floor, pulled my knees to my chest, and began to hum.

Size matters.