Page 100 of S is for SEX

I cocked an eyebrow. “You really want me to choke you?”

She nodded repeatedly. “Uh huh.”

“While I’m fucking you?”

“It’d be kinda weird if you did it while I was eating dinner,” she said with a laugh. “Yeah, while you’re fucking me.”

I laughed at her response. Excited at the thought of choking her, but slightly uncomfortable with the implementation, I stood silently for a moment and gazed blankly at her.

“When you choked me the other day for just a second, I really liked it. Since we talked at the bar, I’ve been thinking. If you want to confuse me while you’re fucking me, choking me is a good way to do it, so maybe it’d be a turn-on for both of us.”

It wasn’t at all what I expected to hear. “You liked it when I grabbed you neck?”

“Uh huh. And when I think about it, my pussy turns into a river.”

My cock stiffened as she spoke. “Alright then, we’ll do both.”


“Yeah, while you’re trying to read, I’ll choke you and fuck you.”

“You know; this is just fucking weird. I’m standing here naked talking about this shit and you’re standing there looking like you’re going to the beach. We need to just do this shit. I mean, I’m up for pretty much anything. Just, I don’t know, do whatever you want. Spontaneity would be nice. But this.” She waved her hand back and forth between us. “This whole negotiation thing ruins the mood.”

I couldn’t agree with her more. I grabbed her Kindle from the night stand beside her bed. After thumbing through the available books, I opened one and flipped to a random page.

I handed her the device. “I agree. But, no differently than handing a man a rifle doesn’t make him a trained soldier, a man having a willing participant doesn’t make him a BDSM Master or Dom or whatever. This is all new to me. We’ll get through it.”

She grinned. “Okay.”

She glanced at the Kindle and then shifted her eyes to meet mine. “So, what now?”

“Climb on the bed, lay down, and start reading.”

“Belly or back?” he asked.


As she climbed onto the bed, I pulled off my shorts and tossed my shirt beside the bed. Her earlier complaint was certainly a valid one, as my previously rigid cock was now almost flaccid and seemed to lack interest in even continuing.

“Start where you have it opened?” she asked.

My level of arousal had dropped completely. The mere mention of choking her had taken my mind in a different direction altogether. In an effort to convince myself I didn’t need to choke her, I responded.

“Sure. Wherever,” I said.

Laying on her back gazing up at the Kindle, she cleared her throat and began. “Although she hadn’t seen Trayvor in thirteen years, nothing had changed, she thought.”

“Do you want me to keep going?”

On my knees at the foot of the bed, I glanced down at my cock. “Sure, keep going.”

“Nervously, she cleared her throat. She had hoped to explain her dilemma without much emotion, but doing so in his presence quickly became seemingly impossible. She studied him as he inched closer, her eyes fixed on his hands.”

“More?” she asked.

The most beautiful woman I had ever seen was laying before me, and she wanted me to fuck her. My mind – and my cock – apparently had zero interest. I wanted to choke her. As I gazed down at her naked body, I realized there was really nothing that was going to act as a viable substitute.

“Just a little more,” I said.