Page 95 of S is for SEX

“What’s all that noise?”

“There’s. A lot. Going. On right. Now.”

“I can call you back if you’re busy.”

“No!” I bellowed.

If she hung up, it was all going to end. I calmed myself, inhaled a shallow breath, and continued. “No, I just…”

His pace slowed considerably.

“Sorry, I just had a bad experience on Tinder and I wanted to tell you about it,” I managed to say.

He continued to fuck me ever-so-slowly.

“Oh my God. What happened?”

He pulled out completely. I glanced over my shoulder. He grinned and sauntered around the end of the counter, his stiff cock bouncing up and down with each step. I followed him with narrow eyes, slightly intrigued by what he might be planning. After walking to the opposite edge of the counter, he hopped onto it, got on his knees, and began to inch toward my face.

No. I can’t.

There’s no way.

With his cock now twitching in front of my face, he opened his mouth wide, pointed to it, and then motioned toward my face.

I grinned at the thought of what we were doing, shook my head, and opened my mouth.

He guided the head of his cock past my lips, into my throat, and increased pressure until my gag reflex kicked in. I coughed and gagged against the massive shaft until I was on the verge of passing out, and only then did he pull it from my mouth.

“Hello? Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I coughed. “I choked on my coffee.”

“Oh, so what happened on Tinder? Sarah’s stories were just creepy.”

With tears rolling down my cheeks, I stared down at the phone.


I glanced at his saliva covered cock. I would have never guessed it, but I was so turned on my pussy ached. In a brief moment of clarity, I said what I felt might buy me a few minutes of time.

“Tell me what happened to Sarah while I’m stirring this, then I’ll tell you my story.”

I met his gaze and grinned as I opened my mouth again.

“Okay. So she met this guy, and he was like perfect. He was an architect or something and they started seeing each other, and then they started, you know, having sex. And she was like I think we might even get married or whatever…”

Luke inched his way closer until his cock was pressing against my cheek. I shifted my gaze to the phone. Four minutes and twenty-eight seconds had passed, but it seemed like it had been an hour.


He slapped my face with his cock. I stared back at him, shocked and turned on at the same time.

What the fuck?

He pointed to his mouth.

I opened wide.