“That just seems weird,” I said.
“I told you it was going to get weird quick,” he said.
“And I have to stay on the phone the entire time, no matter what?”
“That’s right.”
“I mean, I can do it, but it just…” I paused and studied him, wondering if he was just fucking with me.
He stared back at me stone-faced. Apparently, he wasn’t joking.
“Fine,” I said as if the challenge was no big deal. “I’ll get my phone.”
Luke said he wanted to fuck me, but the entire time we were having sex, I had to be on the phone with one of my friends. He further explained if the conversation ended, he would stop fucking me. He had warned me the sex was going to get weird quick, and he was right. But, as crazy as it sounded at first, as I walked toward my purse I got wet just thinking about it. By the time I got back to where he was standing, I was soaked.
I quickly decided being shoved full of Luke’s cock while talking to my friend on the phone was much better than getting no dick at all.
“Okay, here’s what I was thinking. I’m going to text some people, see who has time to talk, and then I’ll make the call. How’s that sound?”
He shrugged. “Sounds reasonable.”
“I think it sounds genius,” I said.
He reached down and tapped his index finger against the very prominent outline the head of his dick was making against the leg of his shorts. “Well, get to it. Thinking about it is making my cock stiff.”
I fumbled with my phone and sent out four text messages to girls I hadn’t talked to in what seemed like forever. After a few returned texts, Chloe agreed to talk. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to talk to, because if push came to shove and she found out what was happening, I knew she might understand.
Chloe was a slut.
“Okay, I’ve got someone,” I said excitedly.
“Call her and put it on speaker,” he said.
“On speaker?”
“Do you really think you’re going to be able to hold the phone against your ear the entire time?”
“Good point.”
I stared down at my phone and inhaled a shallow breath. As long as Luke and I had been friends, I had no idea he was such a sexual weirdo. Now that I knew, I was afraid I still didn’t know, and wondered as time passed just how weird things might get. He said he was going to ease into the kinky stuff, and my imagination began to run wild with things he may require of me in the future.
“Ready?” I asked.
He wagged his finger in the air. “Better get undressed first.”
I bobbed my head side to side mockingly, causing him to grin. After getting fully undressed and wondering why he hadn’t done the same, he pointed to my phone.
“Put it on the counter for now,” he said.
For now?
“Okay,” I said.
I turned toward the kitchen counter, set my phone down, and pressed the button to call her. After a few rings, she answered. Partially just to be a smart-ass, but also to let him know I was ready for whatever he thought he needed to do, I bent at my waist, rested my elbows on either side of the phone, and hiked my ass in the air as high as I could.