Page 91 of S is for SEX

“We’re friends. It has to stay that way. No matter what,” he said.

It seemed to be a strange time to be having the conversation, but I agreed nonetheless. “Uhhm. Yeah, I agree.”

“Ready?” he asked.

For fucking what?

“Sure,” I responded, far more interested at the time in fucking than talking.

Nothing could have prepared me.

He raised his hips, pressed his shoulders into the back of my knees, and gave one last command as I felt the length of his shaft escape me.

He nodded toward my crotch. “Watch.”

“Okay,” I breathed.

Without further warning, he began to pound himself into me, giving me his entire cock with each stroke. My breath escaped my lungs each time his hips slapped against my ass, barking past my lips as a muffled grunt. My one focus, at least initially, was to keep from screaming for him to stop.

By some means of a sexual miracle, a few moments passed without me giving up. Luke’s cock was now hitting spots inside of me that I had no idea even existed. He continued to fuck me without reservation, and seemed to be fully determined to turn me into the pile of babbling flesh he had warned me I would become.

Equally determined to succeed at being his sexual punching bag, I closed my eyes and focused on being stretched to new limits. My nostrils flared as I inhaled a hint of his cologne mixed with the aroma of our sex. Convinced I was going to allow him to punish my pussy until he was completely satisfied he had met his sexual match; I did my best to find a happy place for my mind to reside while he continued.

“Watch!” he bellowed.


I opened my eyes and gazed beyond his wide chest, past his washboard abdomen, and between my legs. With his muscular torso a blur, I watched as the tightly stretched skin of his glistening dick disappeared stroke after powerful stroke into my wet and quickly becoming sore pussy.

Somehow, he found the energy to increase his pace. More suited for a sexual run and less prepared for an all-out sprint, my head began to feel light and dizzy.

“I love this tight little pussy of yours,” he said.

I had so much I wanted to say, but found myself incapable of speaking.

With the top of his shaft punishing my clit as he ground his hips against mine, a tingling sensation ran through me from my swollen nub to my nipples. I inhaled a slow breath, well aware – at least for me – that the end was near.

It was coming.

I sank my teeth into my bottom lip and continued the torturous task of watching him take ownership of my pussy. Even though I repeatedly reminded myself we were no more than friends, I couldn’t help but struggle with the fact that I had never been satisfied by a man’s cock as much as I was by Luke’s.

And I was certain I never would be.

I felt my pussy clench against his throbbing shaft, providing its own thankyoufor being here moment, but the precursor to my climactic exit did little to slow his pace. Contrary to his demands, I closed my eyes and moaned as I reached a level of climax I had never before encountered.

His pace slowed slightly, his cock swelled, and as I gasped for another gulp of air, he erupted inside of me.

Thank God.

My work was done. Not only had I satisfied him to the point of orgasm, but I had done so without turning into a mindless babbling ball of flesh as he suggested I would. Filled with pride, I blinked and wrapped my arms around him.

As he released my legs, I gazed around the room. Quickly, I became confused. We had been fucking on the floor of the living room, and the last I knew, we were at the end of the couch. Now fifteen feet closer to my favorite ottoman, I realized there was only one way we could have traveled so far.

Luke had forcefully fucked me across the entire living room floor.

He collapsed onto me, his bare chest pressing against mine. I closed my eyes and listened as his breathing changed from an irregular pattern to a more predictable even pace. Satisfied that I held up to my end of the sexual bargain, I decided remaining mute about the subject wasn’t exactly my style.

I had gone the distance with the sexual deviant and I needed to claim my successes.