WE rolled around on the bed naked, wrapped in each other’s arms. The mood was different. We were kissing and playing around like high school kids. It was nice. For the first time since we started having sex, I was sober; so it may have been the lack of alcohol that brought on the change, but I really doubted it. Something, I was sure, had changed.
I couldn’t decide if the change was within me, in Dick, or of was a little of both.
Whatever the case, I liked it.
A lot.
He pinned me on my back, kissed along my upper arm, and eventually reached my neck. Goosebumps rose along my legs while he kissed up my neck until his mouth was against my ear.
I felt his cock pressing the inside of my thigh.
Strangely, I didn’t want it.
At least not in me.
Not yet.
I reached down and gripped it loosely in my hand and began to stroke it until it was firm. With his naked body pressed against mine, I felt like we were preparing to make love. Making love was something I wasn’t sure that I’d ever really done, and I had mentally set it aside as something that might happen when I was married, and not before.
Most of my sexual escapades had been while drunk, and never lasted for any length of time – generally until I had an orgasm or two – and not any longer.
I closed my eyes and relaxed while he continued to kiss and caress me. I felt special. I felt wanted.
I was filled with emotion.
His body seemed to fit against mine like it belonged in the place he had chosen to lay. His hip was against mine, his chest on my shoulder, and his leg bent at the knee, resting on my thigh. I felt comfortable, and had no desire to move in an effort to get comfortable.
I was comfortable.
I allowed myself to get lost in what I was feeling.
I continued to softly stroke his cock, but he seemed to care not. His hand massaged my breasts while he continued to kiss from my neck to my jaw.
“I want to suck your cock so bad, but my knees--” I whispered.
He lifted his head.
I opened my eyes. Instantly, I was lost. He wasn’t the asshole I met in the alley. He wasn’t the criminal who masterminded the diamond heist. He was a man that I had fallen in love with, and at that moment, I realized I wouldn’t settle for anything short of admitting that I loved him.
I love you.
His mouth met mine. We embraced in a kiss. As many times as we had fucked before that night, we had never kissed, and I had no real idea what I was missing until his tongue began to lightly dance with mine.
Chills ran along my spine.
I began to rub my hands all over his naked body, searching for the perfect place to grab, to hold, to grip, only to realize there was no perfect spot, only the perfect man.
And he was mine.
At least for the moment.
The kiss satisfied me as completely as anything I had ever experienced. My hands eventually came to rest, my fingertips pressed into the muscular flesh of his back. His hands held my face lightly as we continued with the kiss until we could kiss no more.
He gazed into my eyes.