Page 69 of S is for SEX

Dick had other plans.

With my face buried in the mattress and my ass high in the air, I attempted to recover from my sexual release. It had been so long since I’d felt anything like what he’d just done to me.

I felt pressure against my soaking wet mound. It damned sure wasn’t a finger.

Holy. Fucking. Hell.

I arched my back. My mouth shot open, and I stretched my jaw so wide it hurt.

Inch by inch, he continued to fill me with dick. I groaned, and as much as I wanted to beg him to stop, I felt some pleasure in his massive girth. One inch at a time, he filled me until I had it all.

His hand pressed against my back.

I glanced over my shoulder.

“Ready?” he asked.

I felt like a man riding a bull in the rodeo, being asked by the gate attendant if he was ready to ride his way into certain death.

I nodded nonetheless.

His cock worked slowly at first, ten thick inches in, and ten out. In time, he had my pussy stretched to a new limit, and he knew it.

His hips began to pound against my ass. His balls slapped against my swollen clit. I dug my fingers into the comforter, holding on for dear life. This was what being fucked was all about, and I would have been damned to hell before I gave up or gave in.

I felt as if his cock was in my chest, but as much as it felt uncomfortable, it felt so fucking right. So god damned good. So…


I liked it so much it scared me.

I’d never had so much dick in me.

And, now that I did, I never wanted to be fucked by any less.

I had every intention of fucking Dick so good, so hard, and with such crazed passion that he’d have no choice but to make me his significant other. His favorite piece of ass, his main bitch, his…

His pace increased. My breathing became labored. I was on the verge of either dying or being sent to another place altogether, and I knew not which.

His balls pounded against my clit. His cock hit spots so deep inside of me I couldn’t help but wonder how I would ever be the same. And, with a few more magical strokes, I began to burst.

Oh. My. God.

“Your pussy is tight as fuck,” he grunted.

“I. Think. It’s. Your. Big. Fucking. Dick.” The words escaped my lungs, one with each stroke of his massive cock.

Big dicks bring big orgasms, and they bring ‘em quick. I arched my back and prepared for the mother of all orgasms. Being fucked by him felt so good. Each time his balls collided with my clit, I felt like it was coming, but it never surfaced. Stuck in sexual limbo, and fearing that I was being cheated out of what I was entitled to, I did what it seemed I always did in a pinch.

I lifted my head from the comforter. “Can you play with my ass?” I whispered.

He continued to pound away. “What?”

“My ass,” I said. “Do something.”

He slapped it.

And again.