Day eighty-five.
In a successful training regimen, sleeping is believed to be as important as exercise and eating. Ethan had been staying over regularly since our talk, and having him at my side in the morning made it difficult to get out of bed.
I was convinced sleeping with Ethan had become an important part of my training.
“Isn’t life interesting?” he asked.
I rolled to my side and flopped my arm over his bare chest. “What do you mean?”
“Two and a half months ago, I didn’t even know you. Now? You’re fighting for a title fight, and Ripp agreed to train me. I just…” He turned his head to the side and kissed me. “I can’t imagine life without you.”
I got lost on his blue eyes for a moment, and then began to admire his messy hair. I had grown to love how it was never combed, but was always a perfect disaster. “I can’t imagine life without you, either. It’s been two and a half months? Already?”
“Crazy, huh?”
I slipped my hand over his bicep and pulled him close. “Yeah.”
“It’ll be awesome when Ripp can start. I can’t wait.”
I laid my head against his chest. “I’m sorry it won’t be until after my fight.”
His hands slid along my bare back and came to rest at my waist. “Right now, training you is more important. I’ve been this long with my trainer, a few more weeks won’t hurt anything.”
“Your next fight’s when, next week?”
“Yeah, four days. Hopefully my last with Brockman.”
The sound of his voice resonated through his chest and against my ear. There wasn’t anything especially sensual about it, but for whatever reason, I found feeling the sound of his voice as he spoke to be a turn-on.
I pressed my ear firmly to his chest. “Say something else.”
“I want you to meet my parents.”
I craned my neck, but kept my ear flat to his chest. “Really?”
“Uh huh. I think it’s overdue. Are you okay with that?”
I liked the thought of meeting them. It was yet another step in the right direction as far as our relationship was concerned. Further proof that Ethan was in my life for a reason.
“I’d like that.”
I laid still for a moment and listened to his heartbeat. I found it to be comforting, and the predictable pattern soon lulled me into a state of conscious slumber. I remained there for some time, thinking about having in-laws being a permanent part of my life.
I worried for a fleeting moment how they might accept me, and then decided that I had nothing to be ashamed of. “Do you think they’ll like me?”
“I know they’ll like you.”
I grinned at the thought. “I love you.”
I reached between his legs and began to stroke him slowly and softly. “I love you, too.”