Page 56 of S is for SEX


The surprise blowjob wasn’t going to be so easy after all. With him wearing the skin-tight shorts, my plan of unzipping his pants and easily removing his cock was thwarted. Now, the only way to get to his cock was to get him to remove the shorts – and there was no doubt in my mind that getting him to take them off would require lengthy negotiations.

That wasn’t part of the plan.

I decided to take a chance. I reached for his leg and rested my hand on the smooth skin of his tanned thigh. Much to my surprise, he didn’t object. My heartbeat increased tenfold. My face went hot. I slid my hand a little further. My heart rose into my throat.

I sighed. “Yeah, really.”

The rush of sexual emotions made me feel like I was a horny adolescent again, and I liked it.

A lot.

I slid my hand closer to the prize.


Maybe Rachel was right. Maybe all guys loved blowjobs just like she said, and Ethan would stand as no exception. Maybe if I could figure out a way to fit my fingers between the fabric of the shorts and his muscular thigh, I could just reach up there and get started by stroking it.

Maybe if I took it a few inches of thigh at a time he wouldn’t even notice. At least not until it was too late.

I stared at the wall in front of me and slid my hand up his thigh a few more inches. Then, a few more. I didn’t dare look in his direction, fear of rejection prevented it. He had to realize I was working my way up his thigh, and so far, he hadn’t complained. Convinced he was satisfied with my plan to fondle his cock, I blindly slid my hand further. And then, the unmistakably smooth skin of a cock’s head was against my hand.

What the fuck?

I glanced at his lap. Half of his hard cock stuck out the bottom of the leg opening of his tiny shorts.

And my hand was on it.

I quickly made eye contact.

He grinned.

There was no turning back.

“Take them off?” The words escaped my lips in the form of a dry whisper.

Apparently, it was enough for him to understand my desire.

He stood up, and after a slight struggle, pushed the shorts past his cock and down his legs. During the grueling process of him removing his undersized shorts, I took all of his completely naked body into view. Every inch of him was hairless, tan, smooth, and…


I realized I had many options as far as positioning myself to suck his cock. Instead of complicating matters, I settled into the couch cushion, extended my arm, and curled my index finger into my palm repeatedly.

Come here, you big sexy fucker.

Unwilling to wait any longer than I had to, I scooted to the outermost edge of the couch and wet my lips with my tongue. He and his throbbing third leg stepped in front of me, and without his expressed permission or taking time to explain my desires, I grabbed his cock and began sucking my way into his heart.

In the desolate area where I grew up, most girls had some form of talent. Some were good at cooking. Others grew up on farms and were quite talented at riding horses or driving tractors. As fate would have it, my talents were limited to boxing, sucking cocks, and fucking.

And I was good all of them.

I flattened the back of my tongue and forced as much of his swollen shaft into my throat as I could. It wasn’t easy, but the look on Ethan’s face made it rewarding. If I learned nothing more from all of my sexual experiences, I learned to watch the expression on the man’s face who I was attempting to please.

And Ethan was pleased.

I knew if he was pleased with what I had done so far, he’d really be pleased once I got my rhythm.