Day twenty-six.
“This is awesome, what did you do to it?” Ethan asked.
The chicken tasted much better than the list of ingredients indicated, that was for sure. “Olive oil, fresh basil, salt, and pepper. That’s it.”
I nodded. “Really.”
I had invited Ethan over for dinner and had every intention of following Rachel’s recommendation of sucking his cock after we finished our meal. Seeing him satisfied with my cooking was a much better experience than I ever would have expected, and as much as I didn’t want it to end, I was ready to move on to stage two of our night.
“Well, it’s really good. Like really good,” he said.
“Thank you.”
He was wearing jeans, boots, and a really cute black and white plaid short-sleeved pearl snap shirt. He looked much different than he did in sweats or shorts, which was all I had seen him wear since we’d met. It was obvious his hair had product in it, but it was still kind of everywhere hair, which added to his overall cuteness.
He took another bite. “When’s your next fight?”
“Ripp said he’s setting up something now. I’d guess here in a few weeks – at the most – from what he said.”
“But you don’t know who?”
I poked a piece of chicken in my mouth and shrugged. “Don’t really care. As long as she’s in my weight class, I’m not worried.”
“Good attitude to have.”
I nodded in agreement. I thought of sucking his cock and wondered if he’d be as pleased with it as he was with the poultry. I took another bite of the mouth-watering chicken and began to wonder.
“Have you dated since...” I paused, not really knowing how to continue. Honestly, I wished I never would have started the question. Luckily, he fully understood what I was too uncomfortable to ask.
“No.” The fork dangled from between his thumb and forefinger as he gazed down at the table. “I don’t know. I would. But. I just haven’t found anyone who interested me enough.”
“No sex, either?”
“No. I’m not a random sex kind of guy.”
Well, that’s good to know.
I wondered if sucking his cock qualified as sex, and if so, if he would consider it random. Maybe he was interested enough in me to let me do it, and all I needed to do was ask.
But Rachel had said not to ask. I was just supposed to do it.
I poked at my chicken, far less interested in eating than I was in luring Ethan into sex. After a lengthy period of silence during which I planned what my next step was going to be, I took another bite and looked at him.
I didn’t really have a preference when it came to men, it simply seemed if someone was willing to pay attention to me, I allowed them to. That willingness to attach myself to any man who showered me with attention was a result of my lack of a healthy relationship with my father, and I realized it. My sexual experiences had produced nerds, jocks, cowboys, stoners, and a businessman. They ranged in age from three years younger than me to thirteen years older.
Sitting across the table from Ethan, I was convinced if I was given an opportunity to choose, he would be the type of man I preferred. Breathtakingly handsome, very athletic, and slightly broken, he was the epitome of perfection.
Because he was gorgeous. And imperfect.
Desperately wanting him to finish his chicken so I could suck his cock, I peered across the table. He was one bite away from a blowjob.