Page 464 of S is for SEX

“There are times I miss you, Erik,” she said.

Erik smiled, “I feel the same way Lisa.”

“Lisa, this is my other half, Kelli Parks,” Erik said as he placed his hand on my right shoulder.

I reached out and shook her hand.

“Pleased to meet you,” I said.

“And Kelli, this is Michelle Robinson. Son of a bitch, Michelle, do you ever age? Damn you look great,” he said as he hugged the blonde woman.

When they finished hugging, I shook the blonde woman’s hand.

“I went to school with these two, Kelli. They used to crawl into my bedroom window and get advice,” Erik said as he motioned toward them.

Michelle was staring at Jake.


“Oh, I’m sorry. Ladies, this is Jake,” Erik said as he pointed toward Jake.

Lisa shirt shook Jake’s hand. As Jake turned to shake the hand of the blonde girl, she stared into his eyes.

“We’ve never formally met, I’m Michelle,” she said.

She looked down at Jake’s feet, slowly up toward his face, and smiled.

“Seeing a beautiful woman is like hearing a beautiful song. Once one is captured, escape is impossible until it ends,” Jake said as he shook Michelle’s hand.

She squeaked.

“Ma’am,” Jake said to the lady in the OSU shirt as he nodded his head her direction.

Erik looked at Lisa and then at me, and smiled. He turned to Jake and Michelle, who began walking toward the garage. Jake was facing the blonde girl and talking as they walked.

The music began to play again.

“So Lisa, I’m going to guess Michelle is single?” Erik laughed.

“For now,” she laughed.

“Join us for some music? We have a band in the garage,” he said.

“I will in a minute, I saw Teddy up by the porch, I’m going to go talk to him, I’ll catch up in a few,” she said.

“Fair enough,” Erik said.

“Wow, I guess Jake liked the way Michelle looked,” Erik laughed as he turned toward me and smiled.

“Jake’s cute,” I said.

“I suppose,” Erik laughed.

He put his left arm over my shoulder and we turned to walk into the garage.

As we stepped into the garage, the band was finishing a song. The singer looked up, tilted his hat back and smiled. Normally, you couldn’t see his eyes. He wore a cap on his head all the time, and had it pulled down over his eyes. Normally, he didn’t speak very much. He grabbed the microphone and spoke.

“R. L.Burnside tune right here. Someday Baby. Doc. Kelli. Thanks for having us,” he said into the microphone.