Page 462 of S is for SEX

“Who?” he asked.

Out of breath, my mind on another planet, I attempted to respond.

“Seriously?” I stuttered. I absolutely butchered the word.

“Who?” he demanded.

“You sir. Need you…even…ask?” I leaned up onto my elbows.

I had no idea where I was, but I wasn’t in my bedroom. I wasn’t anywhere familiar. I was elsewhere. Doubting that I would ever recover fully from whatever just happened, I opened my sewer of a mouth.

“If you ever, ever, ever stop fucking me. Ever. I will hunt you down. I will hunt you down, and I will kill you. You think Slick got it bad? Stop fucking me. Just stop. And see what happens.” I said in as angry of a voice as I could.

His mouth agape, and his cock still in his hand, he looked as if he didn’t know whether to laugh out loud or start choking me.

God I love being in trouble with this man.