I shook my head and somewhat envied the fun that Teddy often had. He was a true friend. As tough as he was, he always found a place from within that allowed him to have fun when there was fun to be had.
He pulled off his shirt and growled as they tossed balls furiously at the target. I approached the table and laid down my plate.
“Your girl sure is pretty, Doc,” Easter took a drink of his beer and winced as I sat down.
“Thanks, Bun. She’s prospecting,” I laughed as I took a bite of the brisket on my plate.
“Trying her out?”
“Something like that,” I said as I shoved another large bite in my mouth.
“Seen A-Train?” I scanned the area for The Train.
“Nope, ain’t seen him since earlier,” Easter made another awful face as he choked down a drink.
“I don’t know why you drink that shit,” I chuckled.
“All they got, Doc.”
“This ain’t bad bar-b-que at all. But damn, I hate the taste of this beer,” he finished his cup of beer and threw the cup toward the trash can.
“Better than last year, huh Bunny?” I responded as I finished my brisket.
“Where’s the girls?” he asked, looking from the table out into the parking lot.
“They’re out at the dunk tank, trying to sink Crash. Neither of them can throw worth a shit. They’ve been out there for almost an hour,” I chuckled as I looked at my watch.
“Doc, we need to talk,” Shakey startled me as he bellowed from behind me.
“Son-of-a-bitch. Sit down, Shake. There’s plenty of room, it’s just the two of us,” I said over my shoulder.
“Doc, it’s uhhmm. Well, it’s that damned…Oh, shit. He’s over there with the Great Plains bunch. Cock sucker,” he stammered as he spoke.
“What in the absolute fuck are you talking about Shake?” I wiped my hands on my napkin and stood.
“Bunny, toss that shit in the trash, would ya?”
“Sure Doc,” Easter replied.
I walked away from the table with my arm around Shakey and stopped by the trash can, which was fifteen feet or so from the table where I had been seated.
“Now what the fuck, Shakey? Jesus.” I straightened my jeans and stretched my legs.
“Doc, it’s that fucking Slick. He’s here. He’s riding with that Great Plains bunch. They’re over by the beer kegs. And fucking Train saw him. Train’s eye-fucking him…trying to get him to do something. I’d have…well…I couldn’t find The Bone. You know I’d have talked to him first, but nobody knows…”
“Well, fuck. Settle down. Shit, this probably isn’t the last time we’ll see him. I imagine he’s out on bail. We voted, Shake. You were there. We’re going to let the law settle this. Even King agreed that he’s going to let the court decide his fate. We don’t need the attention of trying to handle this, even if it’s an ass whipping. Understood?” frustrated, I responded sternly.
“Well. Yeah, it’s a respect thing. But A-Train. Holy shit, Doc, you know how he gets about right and wrong…” Shakey said.
“Alright, let me go get the fucking Train away from him, and you go sit the fuck down. Jesus fucking fuck. Sit down with Bunny and if you tell him, tell him what I said. And stay here, I don’t want to hunt you two down,” I said as I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans.
I looked toward the beer kegs. I recognized the Great Plains colors, and saw Slick drinking a beer beside them. A-Train stood about twenty feet away and was posted up against the wall with his arms crossed.
The building we used for the after ride party was a large building owned by the city. It was often leased for weddings and other celebrations, and was a large open building with a band playing on stage at one end. There were approximately a hundred picnic style tables set up, the stage at one side, and the beer at the other. Food was a serve-yourself affair that was set up by the beer kegs. I slowly walked toward the end where the food and beer was served.
One, two, three, four. And Slick. All wearing boots, all have on their cuts. Oldest one is probably forty. Big one in the middle has the President patch. Perfect.
I walked into A-Train’s line of sight, steeping between him and Slick.