“Do you understand?” I barked.
“Yes. Yes, sir,” she stuttered.
“Hold still,” I demanded as I spread her legs further apart with my boot.
“You long legged little fucker. I’ve always got to get your little pussy down here where I can get to it,” I chuckled, realizing her jeans were still on.
I unzipped my pants, and pushed them down far enough to get my cock in my hand. As I stroked my cock with my right hand, I turned and looked around – confirming we were close enough to the basin of the tank that no one could see.
“Move your feet together,” I demanded.
She placed her feet together, touching. Using my left hand, I pulled her jeans down to her thighs. I raised my boot, stepped on them, and pulled them down to her ankles.
“Step through those, so I can get your legs apart,” I growled into her right ear.
I let go of my cock, and stuck my index finger in my mouth. I reached down in front of her hip and slid my hand down in between her legs. As she kicked her jeans to the side, I began to slide my finger up and down her pussy lips. My finger began to circle her clit, and she squirmed and rotated her hips.
“Don’t squirm, Kelli. Don’t dare. Hold still. And where’s fucking your panties?” I whispered into her right ear.
She shook her head and stared at the wall of the basin.
“Hold still, you wiggly little fucker,” I breathed into her ear as I grasped her neck in my hand.
I pressed my hips against her butt. Reaching between her legs with my left hand, I guided the head of my cock to her wet lips. I held my hips still, with enough pressure to keep the head against her pussy.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked as I kissed her neck.
“Whatever you want,” she shrugged her shoulders.
“What do you want?” I asked as I rolled my shoulders.
“You,” she responded, looking down at her feet.
“Me what? You want me to what?” I insisted as I nibbled and kissed her neck.
“You,” she repeated.
I pressed against her soaking wet pussy and slid the entire length of my cock inside. She gasped and slapped the basin with one hand.
“Oh God. I wasn’t ready for that. You feel so good,” she sighed.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked, pressing myself deeper into her.
“Whatever you want,” she looked over her shoulder.
“What do you want?” I looked into her eyes.
“I want you, Erik,” she lowered her head.
I slowly pulled myself from inside of her and grabbed my belt. I reached down and forced my erection into my jeans and zipped them. I took a several steps from the basin. As I buckled my belt she turned around and stared in my direction. With a look of disgust and surprise, she reached for her jeans. After she pulled her jeans up, she reached back and removed her hair from her ponytail.
She bent over, shook her head, and then stood - flipping her head to the rear. She reached back, collected her hair, and pulled it into a pony tail. As she walked up and grabbed my left arm, she sighed.
“You ready?” she turned, looked up at me, and puckered her lips.
I nodded my head and kissed her, “Yeah. Let’s go eat.”
Try as I might, this girl will not allow me to break her. She is either stronger than every other woman I have ever met, or she is…well, she is simply amazing. The potential for her to be as amazing as she seems is not probable. It is possible, but not probable. I cocked my face to the side. She looked up, to her right, and smiled. As happy as ever.