Page 403 of S is for SEX


He stood, and walked toward the door. As he did, my eyes followed him. His walk, his stride, his gait or swagger; whatever people call it. It was such a turn-on just to see him walk. I got lost in just watching him walk away from the table. When he was almost to the door he stopped at the table of boys, leaned down, placed his hands on the table, and started whispering something. His whisper was harsh, but quiet, like he intended only for the boys to hear and no one else. I strained to hear what he was saying.

“Listen to me, you little fucks. I heard every word you said about her when she walked by. I am going to let you slide, one time, this one time. Maybe you didn’t realize she was with me…..”

The waiter appeared and Erik stopped speaking and smiled at the waiter. I acted like I wasn’t paying attention. As the waiter placed our food on the table, Erik was speaking again, but I couldn’t hear the conversation. When the waiter walked away, I turned my ear back to the table of boys, and caught the end of this whispered one-sided conversation.

“…and you’ll regret it for as long as you live. Do you understand me? I asked you both a god damned question, now fucking answer me…”

The boys both looked up at Erik, and nodded. At the same time that they nodded, I heard them say, “Yes.” Erik then extended his right hand to each of them, and with a puzzled look on their faces, they both shook his hand. Erik lifted his other hand from the table, stood upright, and walked through the door into the building.

As he walked inside, I noticed my hand was covering my mouth the entire time he was talking to the rude boys. I moved it, and as I did, I could smell his cologne on my hand. I thought of what he said to those boys at the table that were talking about me, and it turned me on. I smelled my hand again. I felt the goose bumps rise in my arms.

And I began to drip.