Page 382 of S is for SEX

Lenny laughed.

I knew I liked you for a reason. Sexy as Lenny fucking Kravitz - and you have a sense of humor too. I can’t wait.

“Who’s boss?” I asked the Pirate.

“What?” he asked.

I pressed the Tazer between his legs.

“You are. You are!” he screamed.

“Say it, fuck bucket,” I said smartly.

“Christy Cross. Christy Cross is boss,” he whined.

“Capitalize the “B” when you say it,” I screamed, pressing the Tazer into his flesh – waiting to pull the trigger.

“How can I do that? I’m saying it, not spelling it,” he pleaded.

“Say it with authority,” I responded, “Say it again.”

“Christy Cross is Boss!” he screamed.

Lenny laughed. I turned and smiled at Greg. Greg wasn’t laughing, but he had a look on his face like he was enjoying himself. The Pirate had tears in his eyes. I imagine he was close to being at the end of his rope, emotionally. I took the wash cloth and handed it to Greg.

“What am I going to do with this?” Greg asked.

“Clean his crotch up. You’re going to want it pretty spiffy when you suck his cock in a minute,” I responded.

“What?” both Greg and Butt boy screeched at the same time.

“Clean his little wiener, Greg. Then you’re going to suck it. And you’re not going to swallow, because I need the cum. Wait a minute…go rinse your nasty mouth out with mouthwash in the bathroom first, I don’t want Lenny’s DNA and Pirate’s DNA mixed up in your mouth,” I said as I pointed to the bathroom.

“I’m serious, go rinse,” I said, pointing to the bathroom.

Greg waked to the bathroom quietly.

“And you want to tell me you live with this dude, and you didn’t know he was gay?” I turned to Lenny and asked, shaking my head.

He shrugged his shoulders and laughed, “I don’t know. He sure can suck a dick.”

Yeah, and straight dudes don’t suck cocks, not even a little bit. Suck one cock, you’re a cock sucker for life…

“Wipe him off and get busy sucking his dick,” I said as Greg walked out of the bathroom.

Greg took the washcloth and began wiping Butt Pirate’s lower region off.

“And if you say one word, other than to encourage this pole smoker, I’m going to fry your ass. Understand?” I asked Butt Pirate.

He nodded.

“Lenny, hand me that bottle of tequila off the dresser,” I said softly, pointing to the dresser.

“Oooh, Patron. Muy Bueno,” he said as he handed it to me.

“Simone,” I responded.

I removed the cap and took two long drinks. Chingale! Fucking tequila.