Page 359 of S is for SEX

“Slap me again, fuck yes. Do it,” she growled as she closed her eyes.

Slap! My hand glanced across her right cheek sharply.

“Oh my god, Shane. Yes. I’m going to…”

Her pussy began to contract, and she opened and closed her eyes repeatedly. As she continued to cum, my cock began to swell in her tightening pussy.

“Oh fuck yes, baby,” I groaned.

“Fuck yes. I’m going to…”


I came with enough force it felt as if my head was going to explode. I collapsed into a pile on Kace’s chest, exhausted from a climax like no other. My cock still inside of her, I lay there and whispered.

“You okay, babe?” I asked.

“Oh hell yes. I’m perfect, baby. I love you,” she responded.

“You uhhm…” I began.

“Shane, it’s okay if that’s what you’re asking. I want sex like that. Always. Okay?” she assured me.

“Okay.” I responded.

As we remained nestled there in the back of the truck regaining our composure, I considered getting the knife and cutting her free. After a moment, I kissed her lightly and rolled to the side.

“I’m going to get the knife and just cut the ropes. You pulling on them actually tightened them,” I said.

“Okay,” she smiled as she pulled against them again jokingly.

I jumped out of the truck wearing nothing but my socks and grabbed my knife from the pile of clothes on the garage floor.

And the garage door began to open.

“What the fuck?” I screamed.

“Shane!” Kace screamed.

As if in shock, I stood with the knife in my hand, wondering just what was had happening.

Oh, shit. It’s got to be Ripp and Vee. I gave them a remote to the garage.

Instead of the many other options I had to try to resolve the issue, I ran toward the other side of the garage to the wall mounted remote. Frantically, I pushed the down button.

“Shane, I’m tied fucking up!” Kace screamed as she pulled against the ropes.

The garage door continued the upward cycle.

With the garage door now completely opened, I stood naked and stared out into the driveway.

The unmistakable front of Vee’s SUV filled the drive in front of me. Her face covered in horror, and Ripp’s smeared with a huge smile, they stared through the windshield as Vee tossed the vehicle in reverse and screeched the tires. As she backed out of the drive, Ripp rolled down his window and screamed.

“Just come get Casey when you’re done, bro.”

I stood naked, with the knife in my hand, and waved.

When I’m done?

I’m never going to be done.