Page 339 of S is for SEX


(Un Series, Book III)

RIPP. Anyone that believes they know what God’s will is, in my mind, is mistaken. We all have an idea, if we believe in God, what we believe his will to be. No one knows. We like to believe that we do, but we don’t. It all comes down to what we believe. From the time that we’re children, we begin to develop a system of beliefs of what we choose to categorize as right and wrong. Most people share the same beliefs on matters of morality. When were exposed to an event that requires us to make a split-second decision, we all react differently.

I try to expose myself to everything that life offers me. It causes me to make a lot of decisions, some of which I’m sure make God look down on me and shake his head. Other times, I’m sure he nods his head and smiles, knowing I did what he wanted me to. I am able, regardless, to live my life knowing that no matter what I do or did, I did so believing at the time that it was what needed to be done, considering all things.

There’s absolutely nothing a man can do to prepare to go to trial. Mentally preparing to walk into a room and allow twelve people you don’t know decide what their thoughts are on an event that they didn’t see, participate in, or witness in any way is impossible. Maybe there are things that can ease your mind. But preparation? I don’t think there’s anything a man can do to prepare.

“Well, tomorrow’s the big day, are you ready?” Vee asked as she pulled back the comforter.

“I suppose so,” I said as I sat on the edge of the bed.

“I have your shirt, shoes, tie, suit, and glasses all out and ready. I even have extra shirts pressed just in case you spill something, so no worries,” she smiled.

Yeah, no worries.

“No worries,” I did my best to grin.

“Well, starting tomorrow, it’s going to be hectic until it’s over,” she said as she climbed into the bed.

“Yeah, I know. I’m as ready as I’m going to get,” I raised my hands and rubbed my head.

“You know, if we don’t have sex now, we might not be able to for a while. I mean, it could be…”

Her voice trailing off was a reminder of what could be. I could go into court, have a two day trial, and be found guilty. That guilty verdict would cause them to arrest me for murder, place me in jail, transport me to prison, and there I would sit for anywhere between ten and twenty years. The thought of it made me sick. The thought of losing Vee made me feel even sicker. I sat and realized I may never see her again. Who would wait ten years?

Not one person.

As she pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it on the floor, I looked at her athletic body and her soft tanned skin. Her perky nipples stood at attention. My cock, on the other hand, didn’t.

She reached up and started pinching her nipples in between her fingers and thumbs, something she often did. I enjoyed watching her do it, and it always made me want her immediately. Tonight, as I watched her.


“I uhhm. I need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” I said as I stood and turned to the doorway.

“I’ll be right here, babe,” she smiled.

As I walked to the bathroom, I reached into my pocket and felt my cock through the fabric of my pocket.


I pulled the bathroom door closed and turned on the faucet at the sink. I pulled my shorts down and gripped my cock. As I started to stroke it, I knew in advance what was going to happen. I could just tell. This was a man’s worst nightmare, and something that had never happened to me, and I hoped never would happen again.

Frantic, I stroked faster and faster.


I thought of Vee sucking my cock.


I thought of her bent over the bed, her perfect heart shaped ass below me as I pounded her full of ten inches of pierced cock. I looked down.

Two inches of shriveled flesh looked back.

This was probably something I should have expected. My mind was full of every possibility of what the detectives might say, who might show up to testify, and what a monster they might try to convince the jury that I was, had been, and had become that day at Tucker’s home.