Page 329 of S is for SEX

“Ditch the shirt,” I said as I pointed to her torso, “and bra”

“Shoes?” she snapped back softly.

“Leave ‘em on,” I whispered.

Instantly, she pulled her shirt over her head and fumbled as she unhooked her bra. She dangled her arms in front of her chest, and dropped her bra to the floor. I admired her perky small breasts as her bra fell from her hands.

“Vivian?” I whispered as I reached down and started stroking my cock.

“Uh huh,” she said as she stood up.

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered.

“Oh, thank you,” she smiled.

More than anything, I wanted everything to be pleasurable for her. I wanted her to cum, and that was about the extent of my desire. I had no intent of trying to prove some form of sexual point at this juncture what I perceived as the developmental phase of our relationship. Kace had warned me about it more than once.

“Vee?” I whispered as I stroked my cock slowly.

“Uhh, yeah,” he breathing was short and choppy.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about, babe. There are no winners or losers here. It’s just us, okay?” I asked.

She nodded.

I reached out with my left hand and motioned for her to raise her hand. As she raised her arm, I took her hand in mine and began walking toward her bedroom. Quietly, she followed beside me without saying a word. As we entered the room, I released her hand and lowered myself onto the bed.

As I rolled onto my back I motioned for her to get onto the bed.

“Well, get up here, babe,” I laughed.

“I was. I was admiring you, I’m sorry,” she sighed.

“Don’t be sorry,” I whispered.

“Vivian, I want you to do something for me. I want you to pay attention, okay?” I asked softly.

Sitting beside me on the bed, she nodded eagerly as I began to slowly stroke my cock. I had developed a plan, a game of sorts, while we were in the living room. I had no idea if she’d like it, but from what Kace said, submissive types like instructions, following, them and believing they were complying with the wishes of their dominant partner.

“Okay, listen up. You ready?” I asked softly as I stroked my cock.

Her head immediately nodded repeatedly.

“Yes,” she blurted in between nods.

“Okay, here’s what I want. I want you to get on top of my chest, facing my feet. You’re going to back that sweet little pussy of yours against my mouth and grind it on my face. I want you to press that little pretty fucker against my mouth like you’re trying to fuck my tongue, okay?” I smiled.

“Oh God. Seriously?” she asked, smiling.

“There’s more, but yes I’m serious,” I nodded, still stroking my cock.

“Okay, while you’re fucking my mouth, I’m going to stroke my cock. You’re, out loud, going to count the strokes I make. When I get to ten, you’re going to get off of my face and get on my cock, still facing my feet. You’re going to take whatever amount of it you can, but this isn’t a contest. If it hurts, take less, and go slow, okay?” I asked.

“Uh huh,” she nodded.

“While you’re on my cock, you’re going to take five strokes, counting aloud, and then turn to face me without getting off of my cock. Now, if you cum before you face me, we’re not having sex again for thirty days. You got all that?” I asked.

“Fuck your mouth for ten strokes of your cock. After ten, on your cock for five, all without cumming, all facing your feet, and all counting aloud. Then spin, face you, and wait for further instructions,” she said quickly.