“I believe so,” I stammered.
Other than the fact I knew I had some serious issues with saying no to sex, I had no idea why I responded the way I did. Nervously, I looked around the garage as if there was some form of answer sitting in the corner beside the holiday boxes.
“Awaiting your next instruction, sir,” she said as she curtsied.
I studied her for a long moment. Still in broad daylight, we both stood in her garage wearing nothing but our shoes. Naked and wondering just what this little nympho would be willing to do for me on my next visit, I dropped the bomb.
“I need to leave. I have an appointment I need to get to,” I murmured.
She stood in front of me and nodded her head.
“Alright. Well,” I paused as I reached for my shorts.
Hell, I still didn’t know her name or phone number.
The weight of my shorts reminded me my cell phone was in my pocket. It was common for me to have my phone in my pocket when I rode my motorcycle. I stepped into my shorts, buttoned them, and zipped the fly. I pulled my phone from my pocket and handed it to her.
“Put your name and number in there while I finish getting dressed,” I said firmly as I handed her the phone.
As she pressed her fingertips on the screen of my phone, I pulled my shirt over my head and re-tied my shoes. As I stood up and stepped to the edge of the motorcycle, she handed me the phone. A quick look at the screen, and I was in business.
Destiny Dawn. I rolled my eyes a little bit as I read the name. I dropped the phone into my pocket and got on the motorcycle. I flipped the ignition on and fired the engine.
“So, is Dawn your middle or last name?” I asked over the rumbling exhaust.
“Last,” she smiled.
“Well, Destiny Dawn, I have to get out of here. I’ll shoot you a text later, and include instructions on my wishes. Sound good?” I asked.
She nodded her head once sharply.
Motorcycles do not have a reverse gear. The transmission propels the bike in forward motion only. When a rider needs to back a motorcycle up, he uses his legs and pushes the motorcycle rearward until he is able to pull forward safely. As I had pulled into the garage facing forward, I needed to back the motorcycle out of the garage and pull forward in the driveway.
As I slowly backed the motorcycle up, I admired her petite body and perky tits. Standing naked, she bent down and picked up the unicorn mask. I watched in wonder as she pulled it over her head and waved goodbye.
I waved, shifted the bike into gear, released the clutch, and pulled out into the street. As I turned my head to face the house one last time, the garage door began to come down. I shook my head from side to side as the door obstructed the view of my submissive unicorn.
Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.
Truer words have never been spoken.