KACE. There are instances in our lives we will never forget, no matter how hard we try. Other events, although we will attempt to retain those precious memories, somehow fade away. The recollection of yet other events will simply remain forever, stuck in the backs of our minds. We often remember the year, day, and sometimes even the hour associated with these special occurrences. Even the smell which lingered in the air will remain in our mind as a reminder of an event which we so preciously tucked away.
Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, in studying classical conditioning, had a theory about the human mind. He rang a bell each time he would feed his dog. Over time, the dog associated the ringing sound with an opportunity to obtain food. The scientist, in proof of this theory, would ring the bell, and watch the dog salivate at the sound of the bell alone.
“Babe, I’m home,” Shane said as he walked in the front door.
“I’m in the kitchen,” I replied as I moved the groceries around on the countertop.
As he walked into the kitchen, he unzipped his hoodie. He wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath. He dropped his gym bag on the floor and walked behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Ripp and I just got done training. What are you making?”
He smelled clean, as if he had just taken a shower.
“I’m not really sure. Some kind of pasta. I bought wheat pasta, fresh basil, vegetables, and some lean beef. I was going to broil the meat and throw together a pasta dish. It sounded good. You want anything in particular?” I asked as I shuffled the groceries along the counter.
“I want you, Kace,” he responded as he kissed the back of my neck.
A chill ran down my spine. Seeing Shane was enough to make me wet. Seeing Shane shirtless made me an uncomfortable mess. Having Shane touch me and talk to me sexually made me melt into a puddle on the floor.
His warm breath on my neck moved my thoughts from cooking to other things - scenes from the books I read. My books were both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I felt as if I had actually experienced all of the things I read about. Truth be known, I have had minimal experience with sex but I was ready for that to change.
He raised his hands to my shoulders and turned me around to face him. Without speaking, he slid his hands from my shoulders to my neck. Softly, his hands moved up my neck to my face, cupping my cheeks in his hands as he kissed me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the kiss as much as the first time we kissed. Kissing Shane was not kissing alone, it was experiencing - experiencing feelings and emotions which were unfamiliar to me. I felt alive when Shane kissed me. As my body tingled from head to toe, I smelled the sweet basil as I inhaled a breath through my nose.
“I could kiss you forever,” he said as his face slowly moved away from mine.
I opened my eyes and focused on his face.
Bad idea.
It took every ounce of my ability to resist my desire to jump Shane’s bones. I couldn’t even look at him without thinking of sex. By simply coming home, he had given me a reason to feel alive, sexually.
But right now I was dying.
“Babe, what are you thinking?” he asked me, my face still in his hands.
You’re a gorgeous, muscular, alpha male boxer. Really? More than anything I want you to fuck me unconscious.
He let go of my face and removed his unzipped hoodie, tossing it over the bar stool.
Oh, perfect. Add salt to the wound, Shane.
As he lowered his arms, his chest flared. The muscles on his stomach were rippled down to the ‘V’ that formed at his waist. His body defined physical perfection. As I admired his physique, I knew I must respond in some sane fashion.
“Babe?” he asked again.
“I just…” I paused, thinking of what to say next.
I inhaled and smelled the basil again. It was a calming fragrance. As I began to speak, he took a short breath. He seemed slightly nervous.
“Babe, it’s time,” he said as he reached down and began to remove his raggedy boots.
I froze.
“Time, time?” I muttered.
I felt flush and overly excited.
He nodded, “I want you to know something. This is not my opinion. It’s not something I just say to say it. This is what I feel. Kace, I love you. It might seem strange to hear, it might not. But I know it just as sure as I know anything. I love you,” he paused and looked down at his feet.