Page 277 of S is for SEX


(UN Series, Book I)

SHANE. “When’s Shortyshowin’ up?” Ripp asked as he tossed the chicken on the grill.

“Any time, but she said not to wait,” I responded.

“Mike Ripton waits for no man. Or woman,” he laughed.

“How much fucking chicken you got, Ripp?”

“Three of em. Shit Dekk, I’ll eat one, she’ll eat a piece, you’ll damn near eat one. That leaves a few pieces to snack on,” he said as he continued to load the grill with chicken.

I thought about it and nodded my head, affirming Ripp’s chicken count.

“So, we’re working into the end of summer, you gonna get them boots before they’re gone?” he laughed as he closed the grill.

I looked down at my boots. Seeing them from this distance, they didn’t look so bad - as long as I looked straight down at the tops of them. The sides and bottom were a different story.

“I’ll never understand ya, Dekk. Weird fucker, you’re probably the only mother fucker in Austin wearing Levi’s and boots today,” he chuckled as he sat down on the lounge chair.

“Probably,” I said as I sat down on the lounge beside him.

“So, I never asked. Your girl drink?” he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

“You know, I admire you for not. She ain’t drank here yet. She’s been here for eight or nine Saturdays in a row, hasn’t yet. I didn’t know if she did when you guys went out,” he said as he took a drink from his bottle of beer.

“Hasn’t yet,” I responded.

“Suppose that’s good. I don’t know where you find all the inspiration. But if she doesn’t drink, hell, it’ll be easy for you to keep up the good work,” he laughed as he finished his beer.

“At least the Ultra’s won’t make me fat,” Ripp said as he slapped his hand against his stomach.

“Obviously not,” I said.

“What ya sayin’ Dekk?” he asked.

“Just said it,” I responded.

“I drink too much?” he asked.

“Didn’t say that,” I said.

“What are ya sayin?” he asked.

“Calories are calories,” I said.

“95 a bottle. That’s it. Hell, I drink a dozen of these fuckers, it ain’t gonna hurt me. That’s 1200 calories. So, no big deal. I bet I only drink five or six anyway,” he said.

“1140. But yeah, 95 calories isn’t many. You sure about that?” I asked.

“Fucking smart-ass. The Ultra’s haven’t got much, but damn they taste like it. Want one?” he chuckled.

“No, I’ll stick with this,” I said as I leaned over and grabbed my half-full glass of water from the table at the corner of the deck.

“I’m going in for some ice, need anything?” I asked as I stood up from my chair.