As his cock began to pulse, Meghan felt his cum enter her throat. She pressed her mouth against the base of the shaft, allowing his cum into her throat. As the man finished ejaculating, he pulled his swollen shaft from her mouth and nodded his head.
Meghan glanced to the man on her right as he unzipped his zipper and pulled his similarly shaped and sized penis from his pants. As she started to shuffle her way to the right, the man directly in front of her moved aside, and the man in the middle stepped in front of her.
She leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the tip of his dick, and inhaled through her nose. She closed her eyes and began working her mouth up and down the shaft, lubricating it well. She decided to try a different technique, and see if she could cause him to cum more quickly. As Ryan’s cock began to work its way in and out of her pussy, she started to aggressively suck the man’s cock as fast as she could.
As she gagged and slobbered all over the man’s shaft, Ryan pummeled her pussy. The faster she sucked, the faster Ryan fucked her pussy. Proud of her determination, Meghan sucked the man’s dick as if it was her only desire. Ryan’s hands squeezed her hips firmly as he forced himself deeper and deeper with each stroke. As her entire body began to tingle, she pressed her hands against her knees and squeezed. If she didn’t collapse from this orgasm, she felt it would be a miracle. As her body tingled from her nipples to her clit, she groaned in ecstasy.
With her groans came the immediate reward of the warm cum against her tongue. As soon as she felt him cum, she buried her mouth on the shaft, allowing his cum deep in her throat. As her eyes rolled from the earth shattering orgasm, the second man pulled himself from her mouth.
“One…more,” Ryan said breathlessly. “And then…then it…it’s over.”
Surprised at her elevated arousal, Meghan opened her eyes and stared at the wall as the man stepped aside and the third man moved in front of her. With a strange level of an almost disappointment that this was going to end, she took a shallow breath and smiled. As the man unzipped his zipper and pulled his cock from his pants, Meghan pressed her hands against her now very sore knees.
“I almost collapsed from that orgasm, it was intense,” she said over her shoulder.
“I’m sure it was. It’s almost over,” Ryan assured her.
“I almost don’t want it to end,” Meghan admitted.
Ryan inhaled a deep breath. “Neither do I, Meghan.”
Meghan grinned.
“Neither do I,” he repeated.
“Last one,” Meghan smiled as she wrapped her lips around the swollen shaft.
Deciding to attempt to repeat the process, Meghan sucked as eagerly as she could. Almost immediately, she felt the man’s girth begin to swell in her mouth. Ryan’s hands slid to her breasts. As he forcefully pounded himself in and out of her soaking wet pussy, he began to squeeze her breasts in his hands and pull downward on her nipples. A feeling of shock traveled through her body from her nipples to her clit.
Simultaneously, as Meghan started to climax, she felt Ryan’s cock begin to swell inside of her. As it swelled against the inner walls of her vaginal canal, she reached a level of climax that shook her legs. As Ryan groaned, she buried her mouth onto the third man’s shaft. Her eyes rolled as she felt the pulsation in her mouth and his cum squirt down her throat.
As she groaned in ecstasy, she felt Ryan’s cum shoot against her cervix.
A feeling of elation filled her as Ryan groaned. Knowing that he was pleased with her, and that she had completed the task that he had placed in front of her caused her tremendous satisfaction. The thought of Ryan cumming inside of her filled Meghan with a level of pleasure that she had not felt for years. As the man’s dick fell from her mouth, Ryan slid from inside of her.
She pressed her hands against her knees and stood.
Meghan stood and turned to face Ryan. “Oh my God. My legs are done. God that was exhausting.”
She reached over Ryan’s shoulders and embraced him, exhausted. As she hugged him, she felt grateful that she had met him, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their having met. He was, by all accounts, exactly what she always wanted and felt that she needed. She leaned away from his shoulder and looked up into his eyes.
“That last orgasm. God, I thought it was going to kill me,” Meghan sighed.
Ryan’s mouth twisted into a smirk. “Fuck it, you’re going to die anyaway.”
As Meghan scrunched her brow, her mind filled with confusion.
She heard a familiar click. Quickly, Ryan’s arm rose to her shoulder level, and she felt a scratch against her neck. As she raised her hands to rub the itch on her neck, Ryan stepped back and smiled. Meghan smiled in return as her fingers fumbled along the base of her neck. The smile quickly turned to a frown, followed by a look of despair.
As wet warmth covered her hands and neck.
As Meghan pulled her hands from her neck and looked at her fingers, she collapsed into a puddle of blood that had dripped from her breasts and elbows. As she lay on the floor, dying in a pool of her own blood, Ryan stepped over her body. She attempted to rotate her head and see where he was going, but was incapable of moving. As she pressed her hands to her neck, and gasped her final living breaths, she blinked her eyes in wonder.
And the last thing she heard was another familiar sound.
The door closed.
And the door lock mechanism clicked.