Page 241 of S is for SEX


Love isn’t blind, people are blind. Recognizing beauty is as simple as opening your eyes and realizing just what it is that stands before you. Although I must admit to having clouded vision in the past, I now was able to see everything distinctly and without effort on my part. Rain explained my vision had become unobstructed, and I believed her.

With a level of clarity I had not previously known to exist, I stared out at the stars and waited.

“There went one,” Rain whispered as she tapped me on the shoulder.

I glanced in the direction she pointed, too late to catch a glimpse of the shooting star. I grinned, kissed her cheek, and tilted my head back, gazing straight up into the sky. After a few seconds, a meteor shower of about ten stars shot across my line of sight and disappeared into the otherwise dark sky.


Just fucking wow.

I gazed out into the sky, knowing I was one of the more intelligent men to ever grace the earth. In the past, my understanding of my intelligence was my main reason for questioning the existence of God. Standing beside Rain now, and staring into the sky above - only to be treated to something as wonderful as a three-hour long meteor shower, caused me to question my previous belief regarding the absence of a higher power.

“Question,” I said as I continued to stare upward.

“Answer,” Rain responded, her voice seeming distant.

I laughed and glanced to my side. Rain had moved several feet away from me, closer to the edge of the roof. I shook my head as I attempted to arrange the words in my mind. As complex as it had always seemed to me in the past, the question came in the typical five words most everyone who asked the question before me chose to use.

“Do you believe in God?” I asked.

“Yep,” she snapped back.

I turned my head from facing her and faced the sky once again. As soon as I did, several shooting stars shot past. I grinned, still feeling slightly filled with wonder.

“I’m beginning to,” I said.

“Good,” she breathed. “Let’s fuck.”

“Excuse me?” I coughed, shocked by what she had said.

“Well, Cade left an hour ago, the other people from the third floor are gone, and we’re out here on the roof all alone. It’s got to be what? Like three o’clock? And you’re wearing jeans and a wife beater. I warned you about that,” she said.

I glanced down at my watch. After my eyes came into focus, I responded. “Pretty close. It’s 2:20.”

Silently, she lifted her dress, pulled her panties down her legs, and eventually past her sandals. After twirling them on her finger for a moment, she flipped them my direction. I glanced down as they land a few feet from my boots.

“I guess that settles it,” I sighed as I bent down and picked up her panties.

“Don’t you like fucking me?” she asked.

I pushed the panties into my back pocket and shook my head. “Nope.”

Her eyes widened. “You don’t?”

“Nope. I love it,” I responded as I began to walk her direction.

The roof of the complex we lived in was not intended to be used as anything but a location for heating and air conditioning equipment. The flat roof, approximately 300 by 400 feet in size, had a three-foot-tall wall of sorts around the perimeter, constructed in an effort to thwart the potential consideration of jumping. Although we weren’t supposed to, occupants of the building often frequented the roof by climbing up the maintenance ladder. As I walked her direction, I doubted there would be anyone else interested in seeing the tail end of a meteor shower at 2:30 in the morning in the middle of the week.

I draped my hands over her shoulders and leaned toward her. As my mouth came within a few inches of hers, she wrapped her arms around my waist and stood on her tip-toes. As our lips met, my heart began to beat more rapidly. Feeling like a prepubescent teen, I kissed Rain, grateful she caused me to feel the way she did. As the level of passion in our kiss increased, she pulled her lips from mine, and pointed her finger into the sky.

“You missed it,” she said, still pointing upward.

“You’re watching stars while we’re kissing?” I asked.

“The shame…” she said as she raised her hand to her mouth.